Bad weather, heavy storm and hail in Bologna

Bad weather, heavy storm and hail in Bologna
Bad weather, heavy storm and hail in Bologna

A new wave of bad weather it is hitting the northern regions, with strong thunderstorms, intense rain and hail. A strong storm also hit Bologna, causing an intense hailstorm with fairly large hailstones, as demonstrated by the images accompanying the article. In the southern area of ​​the city, they fell 11mm of rain while 16mm they fell in nearby Borgonuovo. The storm hit starting at 6.45pm and in Bologna, the temperature plummeted to +22°C after hitting a daily high of +31°C.

Heavy rains also hit the area of Trust (Parma), where they fell 54mm; 55mm they are registered in the nearby Soragna e 47mm in Salsomaggiore Terme.

The violent hailstorm that hit Bologna

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