Autism, there is Municipality and Rotary Club protocol for educators

Autism, there is Municipality and Rotary Club protocol for educators
Autism, there is Municipality and Rotary Club protocol for educators

CASERTA – The Municipality of Caserta and the Rotary Club Caserta “Terra di Lavoro 1954”, chaired by Vincenzo Iorio, have signed an agreement Memorandum of Understanding which involves the organization of training courses aimed at educators municipal authorities operating in the city’s public schools, in order to improve understanding of the problems of people affected by autism and provide adequate tools for their assistance.

The duties of the Municipality

The Municipality will provide a list, with a maximum number of twenty units, of educators involved in support activities in the city’s schools alongside children and young people affected by autism. Educators who have attended the specific training course in supporting children and young people affected by autism spectrum will be used as a priority, in accordance with national and regional legislation.

The tasks of the Rotary Club

The Rotary Club Caserta “Terra di Lavoro 1954”, for its part, will organize a specific training course for educators provided by the Municipality, using resources, facilities and trainers identified and financed by the Club itself, without costs for the Municipality. The training course will include 4 meetings of 5 hours each, involving the following professional figures: behavior analyst, speech therapist and neuropsychomotor therapist.

The following topics will be covered during the training course: the principles of ABA and communication in autism; Discrete Trial Training (DTT) and Natural Environment Teaching (NET), and psychomotor play; teaching in small steps: Task Analysis and the ABC of problem behaviors; design and application of the visual agenda in the school environment and Token Economy.

The statements

“This protocol – explained the Mayor of Caserta, Carlo Marino – is of great importance, as it intervenes on a very serious issue, on which we pay the utmost attention. I thank the Rotary Club Caserta ‘Terra di Lavoro 1954’ for this synergy, which will allow us to train an important number of municipal educators, who will be able to work optimally within schools in providing assistance to children suffering from autism” .

“We are working tirelessly – added the Councilor for Social Policies, Anthony DeLucia – to strengthen the Social Policy Sector, with the sole objective of ensuring maximum assistance for all citizens who have particular needs. I am happy with this agreement with Rotary, which has seen constant and fruitful collaboration. Assistance for children and young people affected by the autism spectrum is an absolute priority for the Administration”.

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