«Damage at school, perhaps due to the end of year holidays»

High school vandalized Attilio Bertolucci from Parma, the wrath of the president of the province Andrea Massari. With three eloquent photographs, showing the facade smeared with red spray and the shattered windows, President Massari, with a post on his Instagram profilereports the damage suffered by the school complex in via Toscana.

The doubts of the president of the Province: «Maybe the end of year party»

«In the last few hours – we read – the technicians of the Province of Parma, whom I thank from the bottom of my heart, have Damages detected at the Bertolucci Institute in Parma», a property owned by the Province of Parma. And again, «Those who work every day to have safer, less energy-intensive, more welcoming schools… must then assist to such brutality» underlines President Massari. And on what happened, while raising some doubts about some end-of-year celebrations that went well beyond what was permitted, he comments: «We cannot, for now, say whether they were the very civilized end-of-year/exam celebrations (those who drink alcohol in front of schools, for example) or if other subjects have targeted a school, magically at the end of the school year».

Report presented: «Criminals and cowards»

But it highlights the fact that whoever committed this act «he is a coward, a criminal and a coward» he writes, underlining that «I can’t find other terms to describe those who, in the shadows, he vandalized a common good, one of the most precious we have: the schools of our city, where the young people of our province they grow up and study».

Ongoing investigations: “We will do everything possible”

In the next few hours a complaint will be presented to the competent authorities and, he adds: «As the Province, together with the police and the municipality of Parma, we will do everything possible and we will work to identify these thugs and bring them to justice.”

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