Carabinieri Friuli: Vitagliano new general

Carabinieri Friuli: Vitagliano new general
Carabinieri Friuli: Vitagliano new general

Change at the top of the regional Carabinieri. Today, at the Friuli Venezia Giulia Legion Command, Brigadier General Gabriele Vitagliano officially took over from Brigadier General Francesco Atzeni, who led the Force in the North East for the last two years and ten months, and who from tomorrow will command the autonomous Department of the General Command of the Force in Rome. “A demanding assignment – Atzeni declared – that I will try to face with the same determination and love that I have used every day in this wonderful land”.

Who is Gabriele Vitagliano?

Born in 1969 in Casale Monferrato (province of Alessandria), General Vitagliano is a “son of the Army”: his father was Colonel Tommaso Vitagliano who commanded, among other things, the operational unit of Rome at the time of the so-called “Olgiata crime”. The new commander of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Legion led the commands of Latina and Florence, where he comes from and where he took office in September 2022. He was twice head of office at the General Command, Infrastructure and Logistics, and was attached to the Legislative Office of the Minister of Defense. Following his father’s movements, he lived in several locations across the country. After completing high school, he attended the Military Academy of Modena and the Carabinieri Officers’ School in Rome. He graduated in law at the “Sapienza” in Rome and in internal and external security sciences at the University of Tor Vergata. He attended, among other places, the Istituto Superiore di Stato Maggiore Interforze in Rome, an important center for studies of the Armed Forces.

The statements

On the sidelines of the ceremony, Vitagliano specified what will be the priorities of his mandate: “Understanding the situation in this region well, in order to be able to enter into a machine that is already in motion. The commands of the force are complex structures that have their own direction and a Forward, in which we intervene by understanding the mechanisms. The priority for the Army is proximity to the citizen and we pride ourselves on not being a specialized but a generalist administration, we try to understand what the citizen needs and we make maximum efforts to guarantee him the security to which he is entitled.”

Those present at the ceremony

The handover took place in the presence of Brigadier General Edoardo Ignazio Calvi Salvatore, deputy commander of the Vittorio Veneto interregional command, who introduced Vitagliano and greeted the outgoing man, of the mayor Alberto Felice De Toni (who handed over the seal of the city to the general Atzeni), the president of the regional council of Friuli Venezia Giulia Mauro Bordin and the regional councilor for finance, Barbara Zilli. The Carabinieri association presented a commendation to Atzeni.

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