Museums and library: a new Civil Service experience begins in Varese

The new boys of the Civil Service in Varese

VARESE – The educational experience of begins in the garden city Universal Civil Service for about fifteen girls and boys between 18 and 28 years old. The young people will be active in the city for 12 monthswith cultural and social projects that are part of the program promoted also for this edition by Municipality of Varese in collaboration with CSV Insubria.

It begins again

«An initiative that is proposed in the city for the third consecutive yeara positive way to actively involve boys and girls with an educational experience, professional and personal growth – explains the councilor for personnel management Stefano Malerba – which also allows you to get to know and discover the institutional world and that of the third sector with an inside look, with the possibility of making an active and participatory contribution to your city».

«A path of co-design and synergies between the public and the third sector – he declares Morena Tevisio of Csv Insubria – with the opportunity for young people to live an experience in close contact with the realities of volunteering and private social services that deal with educational interventions aimed at minors. In addition to Csv Insubria, the following are involved: The Giubiano Asylum and the Rainoldi Foundation as reception institutions. We operate within a horizon not of profit but of service, which is a very important asset, which gives value to our actions as citizens.”

Cultural projects

The projects in which the young people will be active concern activities in Civic Museumsi, to involve the public with dynamic, interactive and inclusive reception strategies, proposing activities and services that favor the visit experience, and in Civic library, through projects that see the role of reading as central, the valorisation of the book heritage and the possibility of approaching new audiences, in particular “no users”, i.e. those who use library services little such as teenagers, young people, elderly people, foreigners . Finally, in the project promoted in collaboration with CSV Insubria, which includes activities aimed at children to counteract cultural impoverishmentalso through the networking of cultural associations and extra-scholastic educational services.

Civil service with Csv Insubria: 43 positions in the province of Varese between culture and services

museums library civil service – MALPENSA24


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