Thanks to the Orthopedics Department of the Marsala Hospital, a department of excellence

Thanks to the Orthopedics Department of the Marsala Hospital, a department of excellence
Thanks to the Orthopedics Department of the Marsala Hospital, a department of excellence

“Today I must say thank you, on behalf of my family, to three young doctors from the ‘Paolo Borsellino’ Hospital in Marsala, namely Roberto Lo Duca, Mariano Mallia, Argentine, Kamal Diab, anesthetist, for their passion and their humanity. Three doctors who have managed to give back the possibility, to a person who is over 90 years old, to resume life and continue walking”.

These are the words of Sandra Titone, a citizen of Marsala, a doctor on call at Erice Vetta and a tourist doctor at Marausa, as well as an Avis doctor, who specifically praises the Orthopedics department of the Marsala hospital, “clean, cutting edge, and with excellent paramedic staff”, with the greatest gratitude to these colleagues at the service of the community “who – she adds – fight every day silently, but in an industrious way, to reduce suffering and improve the quality of life of people, so that they live in well-being and health”.

At a time when there are frequent inconveniences and complaints about the shortcomings attributed to and experienced by public health, with many problematic episodes affecting citizen users, this heartfelt thanks, for empathy, humility and preparation, is an element that gives confidence.

“The Orthopedics department in Marsala is truly excellent and we citizens must fight, tooth and nail, to ensure that our hospital is increasingly strengthened – says Sandra Titone -. Thanks Mario, who with your Spanish accent makes everything lighter, thanks Kamal, for treating my father as if he were your own, thanks Roberto for everything else.” A warm thank you is also addressed to Nicola Catalano for his pneumological consultancy. And the Pneumology department itself, of which Dr. Pietro Caradonna is head, is considered excellent.

Jana Cardinal

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