The Granata club files a complaint against a Friulian journalist

The Granata club files a complaint against a Friulian journalist
The Granata club files a complaint against a Friulian journalist

The Trapani Shark For a few weeks now they have no longer been a Serie A2 team, but the long-distance controversies continue with some representatives of the clubs who contested promotion to the top flight last season. On the one hand the back and forth with Fortitudo Bologna, on the other now a dispute with Antonio Simeolijournalist, who in recent days has been the protagonist of very strong statements against Trapani and the president Valerio Antonini.

Guest on the show “Bianconeri at the Basket” on Tele Friuli, together with the president of Apu Udine Alexander PedoneSimeoli first claimed that Trapani “without Alibegovic would never have won” and then raised serious doubts about Antonini’s intentions. “I don’t know what will happen in 3-4 years in Trapani, unfortunately basketball is like that. Here there is a King Midas, today I read that he wants to build a 25,000 seat stadium and go to Serie A with football. In Sicily, eh, we are talking about Sicily, understood? So I don’t know if in 3 years there will still be a team from Trapani in Serie A, I don’t think there will be basketball in Trapani in 3 years. I take responsibility for what I say. It’s history that says so” said the reporter.

Obviously his words did not go unnoticed and an immediate response came from Trapani Shark: “The journalist Antonio Simeoli, on a Friulian TV with the President of Udine in the studio, expresses considerations of the whole of Sicily (as well as of President Antonini and Trapani) which are, to say the least, shameful. But there is nothing more to be surprised about. Furthermore, the journalist is convinced that in 3 years there won’t even be any more basketball in Trapani. We instead hope that there is no longer him among us to comment and make himself ridiculous as he did in this scandalous video, for which he will obviously have to answer in the appropriate places.

Photo: Trapani Shark

Milan. Graduated in Work Management and Communication for Organizations at the Catholic University, I founded BasketUniverso in 2011. Yes, I support Orlando Magic and I do everything not to hide it.

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