Bottaro replies to Nigretti: «Personal and lying attack from Amet’s CEO»

Bottaro replies to Nigretti: «Personal and lying attack from Amet’s CEO»
Bottaro replies to Nigretti: «Personal and lying attack from Amet’s CEO»

«It pains me to note that the CEO of Amet, appointed on a fiduciary role by the undersigned, may have “launched”, in the fullness of his institutional role, such a personal, so mendacious attack, beyond the limits of the criminal complaint, in towards the Mayor of the City of Trani. I believe that defining the Mayor of the City as the “Neapolitan dealer skilled in the game of three cards” is extremely unworthy and offensive to the citizens, especially if this definition comes from someone who holds an institutional role.” A long response, as harsh as this morning’s note in which he was attacked, by Mayor Amedeo Bottaro to reply to Amet Nigretti’s CEO. It was he who sent a poisonous note this morning against the mayor after yesterday’s approval in the city council.

«I believe, moreover, that stating that that dealer, with the game of three cards, could have convinced 21 councilors (out of 26 present) is an offense to the entire Municipal Council, a representative body of the entire city community, essentially defined as a group of owls. Rather, I must tell you that I have just learned that the Neapolitan Mazziere and his large group of Tawny Owls, like never before, have stood out for their seriousness, sense of responsibility and foresight. None of us could have known that, a few hours before the start of the City Council, the Puglia Region, owner of the Port Concessions, following a specific request from the Prosecutor of the Court of Auditors of Bari, following the previous requests, has again requested to the Municipality of Trani to implement all the preparatory requirements for the release of new concessions on the port to replace those issued to the Municipality and which have expired in the meantime. Clearly his haphazard intervention did not enjoy particular success.”

«Finally, I believe that that invitation to put 70 families of Amet SpA employees on the street and to demolish the historic building of Amet is extremely false and offensive – explains Mayor Bottaro – I remind you, in fact, that this Administration has ensured the future of Amet SpA through the acquisition of a loan of over 15 million euros for the efficiency of the electricity network and for the purchase of the latest generation meters, equipping the Company with 6 new buses (operations which are unprecedented in our City), just as I remind you that, on the contrary, from 2012 to 2023 (for 12 consecutive years) the Darsena service represented a constant loss for Amet SpA amounting to approximately €1,250,000.00 of public resources and for the City anything but a flagship (in recent years I have been overwhelmed by protests from those who praised the tourist port of the neighboring city and were ashamed of our Darsena)”.

«I also remind you that as Director of Amet SpA you have the duty to tell the truth. To state that the political will of this Administration is to remove the parking service from Amet SpA, in a feared and phantom war between Amet SpA and the Mayor, is not only totally false and unfounded, but offensive towards all the members of the Committee of Coordination of the Investee Companies, with whom, in various meetings and for over a month, we have been trying, in great synergy also with the representative of the opposition forces, to find a solution that can legitimately allow Amet Spa to continue the service parking”.

«During the Coordination meetings, in the presence of the Secretary General, the competent municipal managers for the subject matter, the Manager responsible for the Control of the Participated Companies, the President and member of the Board of Directors of Amet SpA, the members of the Board of Auditors of Amet SpA, the President of the Municipal Council and the municipal councilors represented by both the majority and opposition forces, you were first invited, during the meeting of May 23, 2024, to submit to the Authority a technical-legal proposal to be submitted to the Resolution of the Municipal Council to guarantee Amet SpA the continuation of the parking service. Subsequently, at the meeting of June 18, having taken note of the lack of documentation in the proposal presented by you, you yourself reserved the right to modify and integrate the proposal. Finally, in the subsequent meeting of June 25, following the multiple doubts highlighted on the new proposal, you yourself reserved the right to make the appropriate checks».

«I would not like your statements to be an attempt to “unload” on myself and the Municipal Administration the inability or more likely the impossibility of seeking valid and legitimate solutions to guarantee the continuation of the parking service by Amet SpA. I conclude. Contrary to what you meanly imply, I have no “future friends” from the park and the nearby dock, but on the contrary I have the responsibility to administer a city without carrying out illegitimate acts and without squandering the citizens’ money, even if this, reluctantly, could mean “not favoring” Amet SpA. You, however, had the moral duty to resign as CEO even before making public statements which, in addition to being untruthful, were extremely offensive towards of that same Administration which, by virtue of a fiduciary role (I am not aware that you were the winner of the competition) appointed you”.

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