Yours, the 2023 budget is profitable

Yours, the 2023 budget is profitable
Yours, the 2023 budget is profitable

Useless il financial statements 2023 of Your Spa, the regional transport company.

The sole shareholder of Tua, la., approved the company budget Abruzzo Regionthrough the governor Mark Marsilio who participated in Pescara, yesterday morning at the company headquarters, at the shareholders’ meeting.

Present, in addition to Marsilio, the councilor for local public transport Umberto D’Annuncii and the board of directors of Tua chaired by Gabriele De Angelis, with the vice president Antonio Prospero and the councilors Pasquale DiNardo ed Anna Lisa Bucci.

Also present was the board of auditors chaired by Anna Lisa Di Stefano and the effective mayor Ezio De Ritis.

Also present at the meeting was the general manager of Tua Maxmilian Di Pasquale.

Tua’s 2023 budget will be presented in detail to the press on the morning of Friday July 5th in the Favetta room of the Museum of the People of Abruzzo in Pescara.


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