Trieste, world capital for two weeks: a unique opportunity for Friuli Venezia Giulia

Trieste, world capital for two weeks: a unique opportunity for Friuli Venezia Giulia
Trieste, world capital for two weeks: a unique opportunity for Friuli Venezia Giulia

Last updated on June 29, 2024 by Laura Rossi

The governor Massimiliano Fedriga stressed the importance of Trieste as a global hub for various themes, during the event at the Teatro Verdi.

The G7 Education: a prestigious opportunity for Trieste

During the first day of work of the G7 Education, the governor announced the arrival of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and of the Pope in the next few days.

Trieste, a city that enchants the great world powers

Fedriga praised the beauty of Trieste, underlining how the event offered an important international showcase for the territory.

G7: a strategic event for the future of training and work

The governor highlighted the strategic importance of the G7 in defining the future of large countries and the creation of new jobs linked to technological innovations.

Transforming challenges into opportunities

Fedriga underlined the importance of transforming the challenges linked to new technologies into opportunities for local development, focusing on training and innovation.

This article was created exclusively for ANSA.


  • 1.
Massimiliano Fedriga: is the governor of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy. A member of the Northern League, he held several local and regional political positions before being elected governor in 2018. Fedriga is known for his conservative political positions, particularly regarding immigration and regional autonomy.

2. Trieste: city located in the north-east of Italy, on the border with Slovenia. With a history rich in diverse cultural influences, Trieste is an important port on the Adriatic Sea and a strategic economic center. It has been contested throughout history by various empires and nations, which has helped shape its cosmopolitan identity.
3. G7 Education: This is an international meeting of education ministers from the G7 countries, a group that includes the seven most advanced economies in the world. During the G7 Education, issues related to education, professional training and scientific research are addressed, with the aim of promoting cooperation and the exchange of good practices.
4. Sergio Mattarella: is the President of the Italian Republic, in office since 2015. A lawyer by training, he held various political roles before being elected Head of State. Mattarella has a mainly institutional role, ensuring the proper functioning of Italian institutions.
5. G7: The Group of Seven (G7) is made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It is an international forum where leaders from these countries meet to discuss economic, political, and global security issues. The G7 aims to promote international cooperation and address common challenges.
6. Papa: the reference to the Pope in the article could indicate a visit or a message from the Head of the Catholic Church. The Holy See, with the Vatican as its seat, plays an important role in international diplomacy and in relations between State and Church.

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