Benevento, Amalfi Coast airport, Mastella: a connection is needed

Benevento, Amalfi Coast airport, Mastella: a connection is needed
Benevento, Amalfi Coast airport, Mastella: a connection is needed

«The opening of the airport of Salerno-Amalfi Coastscheduled for July 11th, is also a significant opportunity for the internal areas of the region Campaniaprovided that road connections are strengthened without delay.”

They wrote this in a note, addressed to the president of the regional Mobility commission and to the general director of Mobility, the mayor Mastella and the councilor for Transport Luigi Ambrosone requesting that a direct bus connection be established from Benevento. «For this reason – explain the mayor and the councilor – we have written a letter to the president of the council transport commission Cascone and to the general director of mobility Carrannante so that a direct connection is established, through the Air company that already operates extra-urban services from Benevento to the University of Fisciano, from the capital of Sannio to the airport that will soon open.

The time slots affected by the request are morning, afternoon and evening and the potential target audience is made up of citizens not only from the Benevento area, but also from the Alto Casertano area and some municipalities in Molise”.

«We are certain – conclude Mastella and Ambrosone – that both the Campania Region and Air will accept, reasonably quickly, this request of ours which would further expand the benefits produced by the opening of the Salerno-Costa d’Amalfi airport». The first flights to land will be those from Milan Malpensa, Basel, Geneva, Berlin and London Gatwick. Then Bergamo, Turin and London Stansted will be added.


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