a success thanks to the radio amateurs of Ari Lecce

a success thanks to the radio amateurs of Ari Lecce
a success thanks to the radio amateurs of Ari Lecce

SPECCHIA – Yesterday evening, Thursday 27 June, the Italian Amateur Radio Association (ARI), Lecce section, participated in the 479th “Tuning tests” exercise held in Specchia. Using radio equipment, connections were made in voice mode with the main stations of the Prefectures involved in the exercise and with the Civil Protection department of Rome. Furthermore, transmissions have been successfully carried out in the 40 meter band, even in digital mode. A radio station installed in the Government Palace of the Republic of San Marino and a naval unit of the Navy took part in the exercise. The radio operator on board, after greeting all the radio amateurs present, sent a distress radiogram preceded by the phrase “exercise”, repeated three times.

The messages transmitted by the antennas built and installed in mobile positions on the territory of Specchia were clearly received throughout Italy, earning compliments from participants in the radio network. The stations of the Prefectures, managed by the radio amateurs of the Ari, were introduced on the initiative of Giuseppe Zamberletti, Minister of Civil Protection, in the 80s. Since then, all the Prefectures, the Ministry of the Interior and the Department of Civil Protection are interconnected via short waves in the 40-meter bands and locally also in VHF.

At the same time, radio amateurs from various municipalities in the Province of Lecce were activated via the R6 repeater located in Parabita. The following radio amateurs participated in the tuning test: Icilio (IK7IMP), Marco (I77CDE), Vito (IZ7HZU), Gianluca (IW7DAX) and Pietro (IK7VJX).

“Exercises like this are essential to ensure the readiness and efficiency of communications in emergency situations,” said the commander of the Specchia Local Police, Andrea Zacà. “Collaboration with the Ari radio amateurs is an essential element for our ability to respond.”

“We are very satisfied with the results obtained in this tuning test – added the president of the Ari Association, Lecce section, Icilio Carlino -. The participation of the Republic of San Marino and the Naval Unit of the Navy has further enriched the experience, demonstrating once again the importance of radio communications in the context of civil protection”.

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