Abuse and stalking of ex, electronic bracelet for young man in Latina

Abuse and stalking of ex, electronic bracelet for young man in Latina
Abuse and stalking of ex, electronic bracelet for young man in Latina

The State Police of Latina, last June 26, carried out a personal prevention measure of the Special Public Security Surveillance, with application of the electronic bracelet device, against a young man from Formia, investigated for crimes falling within the category of ” code red”.

The man had been responsible over time for serious criminal episodes against his ex-partner, events for which he had been reported for the crime of domestic abuse.

The man had already been the recipient of various precautionary measures, a ban on approaching the victim had been issued against him, following the reiteration of conduct which aggravated the measure, house arrest had been ordered against him.

These measures, however, had not had any deterrent effect on the man who on one occasion had entered the woman’s home during the day to remove a household appliance, attacking her and committing the further crimes of trespassing, aggravated injuries and robbery, so much so that precautionary detention in prison was issued against him.

The report made by the Formia Police Station highlighted the danger of the individual to public safety, in the face of a high degree of criminal obstinacy as demonstrated not only by the brutality of the latest attack but also by the repeated violations of the provisions imposed with the precautionary measures applied to him.

The Court of Rome, Specialized Section for Prevention Measures, having taken note of the elements collected on the dangerousness manifested over time by the man and the need to protect the victim, has issued the decree of special surveillance for a period of two years with the provision of a series of prescriptions limiting personal freedom, as well as the application of the “electronic bracelet” with the obligation to keep a distance of no less than five hundred meters from the woman.

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