University Orientation Days | University of Foggia

University Orientation Days | University of Foggia
University Orientation Days | University of Foggia

The University of Foggia will host the “University Orientation Days”, an event organized under the patronage of the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI).

The “University Orientation Days” will be held on June 17 and 19, 2022 in Foggia and Vieste; the beating heart of the event will be characterised by comparisons, reflections, studies and research relating to the orientation experiences carried out by Italian universities and the new PNRR projects.

In particular, 6 themes will be developed and discussed:

  • Theme 1: Experiences of school and university collaboration for quality guidance: experiences and good practices;
  • Theme 2: Experiences of innovative communication for orientation and orientation in an international dimension;
  • Theme 3: Outgoing orientation experiences and Placement;
  • Topic 4: Counseling experiences and research on Counseling;
  • Topic 5: Studies and research on orientation.
  • Theme 6: Tutoring and support processes for university life

The event will start in the afternoon of June 17thin the city of Foggia at the Aula Magna “Valeria Spada” – Via Caggese.1, through a plenary session characterized by the participation of experts and representatives of the institutions. The session will be open to the public with reservations required through a specific form.

Subsequently, the “University Orientation Days” will continue in the city of Vieste where, June 18thparallel sessions will be developed, within which it will be possible to present showcases relating to the most innovative experiences conducted by the Universities within the thematic nodes that characterize the work of the CRUI orientation commission. The days of June 18 and 19 will be reserved for the Rectors of Italian Universities.

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