France, net result. Which concerns us too

France, net result. Which concerns us too
France, net result. Which concerns us too

The problem, now, is also ours. How we, Italy and more generally Europe, can and must living with this France. A country with a difficult, shaky internal situation, between a mini Macron, an ultra “rainbow” leftand the right that won but will have to wait perhaps for the second round to be able to pocket the kamikaze elections wanted by the president. Internally, they will be their problems, and if they have any, patience: they asked for it.

But how will the markets go this morning? a “Hexagon“ to be overturned, for example, it is not just about Paris. On the contrary. Mrs. Lagarde has already announced that will open the parachute in case of turbulence. The ECB, in short, is ready to buy French bonds in the event of a rush to sell. The instrument is not yet clear, but it will be done. And it is no coincidence that the German government turned up its nose at this hypothesis, confirming the fact that the Paris-Berlin axis, already more fragile than in the past, may appear even more disjointed in the future. Which is not secondary also for the European balancesa table on which Rome is playing a difficult game after the preventive division made by the Populars, Socialists and Liberals, with the direction, in this case joint, of Macron and Scholz.

Of course, the French President repeatedly defeated he will not be able to continue to make a big noise, even if, whatever majority emerges from the vote next Sunday, foreign policy remains his exclusive prerogative, and he will go to the European Councils, as the sociologist and political scientist Marc Lazar reminded our newspaper yesterday. He will do so, however, with a country behind him that rejected him, with a third party force far behind the first two. A weakness already certified by a spread at its highest and a social situation in turmoil. A shock wave of instability. Which can also cause damage on our beaches.

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