Weather forecast for the weekend in Friuli

Weather forecast for the weekend in Friuli
Weather forecast for the weekend in Friuli

Weather forecast for the weekend in Friuli.

Saturday in Friuli Venezia Giulia, on the plains and coasts the sky will be mostly clear, with a hot and muggy climate during the day. In the mountains, the sky will be variable with increased cloud cover in the afternoon. The winds will blow at a breeze.

Sunday in Friuli Venezia Giulia, during the night some showers cannot be ruled out in the western areas. During the day, on the plains and coasts, the sky will be clear or slightly cloudy, while on the mountains it will vary from slightly cloudy to variable with the possibility of local showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Also on Sunday the weather will be hot and muggy in the plains, with light winds and sustained winds from the south in the afternoon on the coast.

The weekend temperatures in Friuli They will range between 19 and 34 degrees in the plains and between 20 and 29 degrees on the coast.

In Province of Udinethe weather will feature sunshine on Saturday and thunderstorms on Sunday, with temperatures ranging between 23 and 29 degrees Celsius.

In Province of Goriziathe weather will be sunny throughout the weekend, with temperatures ranging between 23 and 33 degrees Celsius.

In province of Pordenonethe sun will be the protagonist throughout the weekend, with temperatures ranging between 23 and 34 degrees Celsius.

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