Mucilage reappears near the coast in Trieste

Mucilage reappears near the coast in Trieste
Mucilage reappears near the coast in Trieste

They only disappeared for a few days, but today they mucilage they recurred below the coast Trieste. They are clearly visible on the banks, where the accumulations have reformed, particularly next to the piers, but to a lesser extent than in recent weeks. The grey-green surface of the sea which gives off a smell is clearly evident again and it is expected that the situation is not likely to change, at least for the weekend.

The mucilage phenomenon is caused by the continuation of environmental conditions favorable to the proliferation of algae, which generate this viscous covering on maritime surfaces. The marine experts of the Experimental Geophysical Observatory (Ogs) assure the public that there are no direct risks to human health from contact with mucilages.

The mucilage had disappeared from the surface of the sea after the storms and strong winds of a few days ago, which had swept the surface of the sea, mixing the waters even a few meters deep.


If the weather situation remains unchanged over the weekend, a disturbance is expected in Friuli Venezia Giulia on Monday 1 July, which should bring thunderstorms, thus providing additional help against slime.

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