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Eduardo Secci’s gallery closes in Florence

Eduardo Secci’s gallery closes in Florence
Eduardo Secci’s gallery closes in Florence

It is with great emotion that I personally announce to you that, after 10 years of activity48 exhibitions held in the gallery, numerous projects outside the city and over 100 artists exhibited, the Florence branch will definitively close to the public today. This moment marks the end of a very intense professional chapter, but also the beginning of new and promising projects that will guide the future of Eduardo Secci Gallery”, he begins like this Eduardo Secci, owner of the gallery of the same name which from 28 June 2024 will “only” have the two locations in Milan and Pietrasanta. But it’s not the only one in town and here’s why.

Eduardo Secci’s gallery closes its Florentine branch. The motivations

For me it is a real disappointment to close in Florence, the city where I started. But you can’t work here. Contemporary art is considered second-class and I discovered this when I opened in Milan in 2021, where I had an audience and a following in the city. the Amanita international space also closed and it is absolutely an understandable choice for those who have a global vision like ours. On one hand it is also a failure, but lately the hub was only Milan and the Florence office was a dead weight that slowed us down”, Eduardo Secci tells Artribune.

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Eduardo Secci’s gallery closes its Florence branch. The story

48 exhibitions and over 100 artists presented in the Piazza Carlo Goldoni headquarters in Florence in the 10 years of activity, from Esther Stocker, Bosco Sodi and Zimoun to Diana Al Hadid, Andrea Galvani and Andre Butzer, among others. In addition to the collaborations with the archives of Titina Maselli, Giò Pomodoro and Michele Parmentier and the curatorial projects launched with city institutions, such as the exhibitions of Kevin Francis Gray at the Bardini Museum and Enrique Martinez Celaya at the Marino Marini Museum. “Florence is the city where I grew up, where I have rooted my life and where I hoped to raise my family. I have always believed in my projects and I have tried to convey this passion of mine to the community. However, I often didn’t find the interest I hoped forwhich led me to seek recognition elsewhere, until I opened the offices in Milan and Pietrasanta”, continues Secci.

Eduardo Secci’s gallery closes its Florence location. Future projects

However, I am happy to tell Artribune that we will open a branch abroad and we will be enriched by new collaborations with international and non-international curators, as well as new important archives to work with. My goal has always been to act as a bridge between young artists and great masters, enriching the artistic dialogue with new perspectives”, concludes the gallery owner who is now betting everything on Milan and Pietrasanta.

Catherine Angelucci

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