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strong storms on the way

strong storms on the way
strong storms on the way

The Regional Functional Center of Valle d’Aosta has issued a bulletin of ‘yellow’ hydrogeological weather alert (ordinary criticality) valid throughout the regional territory for tomorrow, Saturday 29 June. They will be possible”superficial landslides, debris flows, rockfalls and flooding phenomena in secondary streams”, we read in the bulletin.

From a meteorological point of view, “an approaching low depression determines instability. With a low probability, isolated thunderstorms cannot be ruled out this afternoon/evening. From the central hours of tomorrow, they are expected showers or thunderstorms, widespread and locally strong, with gusts of wind. Local hailstorms are not ruled out”. Temperatures are expected to drop: the freezing point, today at 4,600 meters above sea level, will drop to 4,500 meters (in the morning) and 3,500 meters (in the afternoon) tomorrow.

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