De Laurentiis, surprise announcement: Napoli’s extraordinary decision

De Laurentiis, surprise announcement: Napoli’s extraordinary decision
De Laurentiis, surprise announcement: Napoli’s extraordinary decision

An incredible announcement has arrived from De Laurentiis regarding Napoli: the president communicates incredible news for the future of the club.

President Of Lawrence continues to plan Napoli for next season, this time not alone. The blue patron has decided to be assisted by a professional figure of absolute importance with regards to the management of the transfer market such as the new director of the sports area Giovanni Manna. The Italian boss will thus leave greater autonomy to the managers he has chosen and, above all, to the new coach Antonio Conte.

However, the Napoli president has further changes to make to the Azzurri organization chart and announced them to the journalists present at the inauguration of the new municipal stadium in Telese Terme. His words will certainly make the Azzurri fans happy.

De Laurentiis, surprise announcement: enthusiastic fans

De Laurentiis has in fact announced a reinforcement of the youth sector, placing Giuseppe Santoro in charge of this area. These are his words: “Giuseppe Santoro will be interested in everything that concerns the future of the youth department. Just today we were discussing with him on the Italian territory and abroad, we must look for children and adolescents who are capable of playing football“.

Aurelio De Laurentiis – LaPresse –

Santoro will thus be inserted into a top-level team: “We will find the young people through a group of people that we are about to hire, they will help important who is already doing great things with the youth teams“. A change that could therefore be truly epochal in Naples, given the club’s poor habit of investing in the youth team feared throughout the De Laurentiis era.

Article modified 28 Jun 2024 – 19:56

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