Viterbo, Andrea Micci (Lega) intervenes on the Tari issue

Viterbo, Andrea Micci (Lega) intervenes on the Tari issue
Viterbo, Andrea Micci (Lega) intervenes on the Tari issue

VITERBO – We received from Andrea Micci (Lega Viterbo City Councilor) and we publish: “”The Frontini administration “takes” 2 million euros from the budget, therefore from the citizens, to cover the increase in the waste tax. We do not understand where the triumphalism lies in all this, apart from having “masked” an increase in the tax that will happen anyway and, in my opinion, higher than the average value announced by the council. We have already had the opportunity to see, moreover, how the budget has been somewhat mistaken by Frontini as the greased pole where to prop up this time too to contain the unpopular increase in the Tari rate, with a maneuver that will translate, more silently, into fewer services or more expensive services for the people of Viterbo. They will always be the ones to pay. In simple terms, Frontini takes away a piece of the Tari rate and puts it on the budget. But where does this money come from, if not from the pockets of the citizens? In short, we are faced with a three-card monte. It is therefore difficult to understand the mayor’s excessive exultation in announcing the maneuver undertaken that places another heavy burden on the budget. Evidently the avalanche of money that previous administrations left her with the Pnrr and other projects, have accustomed her to think that the municipal coffers are a bit like those small bottomless magic boxes, where you stick your hand in and pull out what you want. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
The real blow to the people of Viterbo is this same municipal administration that only thinks about spending as if the citizens’ pockets were a bottomless well to draw from, so it was thought wise to spend over 500 thousand euros for Christmas, almost 150 thousand euros for San Pellegrino in Fiore, to hire external staff for the mayor’s office, to increase salaries, to send the cost of parking skyrocketing. The maneuver that the Council should boast about should be that of spending the money of the people of Viterbo more prudently and more effectively. But that is not the case, it seems. The list of “crazy” expenses is long. And for what? A deserted historic center, the scene of continuous news stories, the fountains that continue to be without ordinary maintenance and in many cases without water for six months now, cutting the grass a chimera, the only thing that is cut are the ribbons, even on the flowerbed in Piazza della Rocca, while everywhere the tropical forest is raging, for the second consecutive summer. The state of the city today is like a puzzle of broken promises. The abandonment is such that the trees on Viale Armando Diaz have collapsed to the ground, dead, the state of Prato Giardino is comatose, with the pools covered in mud, and the avenues yellowed. A few months away from the Jubilee, a unique opportunity for work for the city, the council is still passing the buck on which councilor should take care of it. And what about tourism: apart from the council’s trips to some fair, the website has disappeared, the tourist maps have also disappeared, and the attendance data are not exactly encouraging. The tourist office is being navigated by sight: while they are thinking about where to put it, the tender for its management has fallen through, and the fruit and vegetable market has arrived at the shelter. On the Tari we have witnessed a whirlwind of numbers in the commission and in the city council, to finally say that the increase would be a few pennies, with plenty of examples from councilor Angiani: the price of croissants will rise a little, prosciutto wrappers will only be a little more expensive. Consumers will now sleep more soundly. Until they are the ones to do the math, not only on the Tari, but also on how much the government of the civic pact has cost this city. And to do what? To spend the money and realize other people’s projects that they found ready and financed? We have some doubts that when the citizens are the ones to draw the conclusions, they will be the same as those of the mayor and her council. And this time some accounting trick will not help them”.

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