First a footballer, now a manager: Migliaccio re-embraces Palermo

June 28, 2024, 2:00 pm

2 min of reading

PALERMO – Giulio Migliaccio left an indelible memory in the Sicilian capital. With Palermo he collected 176 appearances and 10 goalsbut there’s more. For the rosanero fans he is a true darling, the idea of ​​a player who has always embodied the fighting spirit. A footballer who gives everything for the shirt he wears.

Density, corsa, concreteness and that header which at times (see the second leg of the Coppa Italia semi-final against Milan) was decisive for the fate of the Rosanero club. Migliaccio, with his humility on and off the pitch, remained very attached to the city of Palermo and his supporters. A genuine bond, well consolidated by the commitment on the pitch of the former number 8 who remained in Sicily from 2007 to 2012.

The fans themselves demonstrated this upon his return to Palermo. At the beginning of April 2024, for the inauguration of the Torretta sports center, Migliaccio was a guest of the rosanero first at the “Barbera” and then at the Palermo CFA. Lots of applause and chants for him too, a sign of esteem from the Sicilian fans for the commitment he showed when he wore the rosanero shirt.

With De Sanctis Migliaccio returns to Palermo

Then, like a twist of fate, Migliaccio found Palermo again in his professional career. With the arrival of the new sporting director Morgan De Sanctis, the former midfielder will be available to the Viale del Fante club as a collaborator of the ds (together with Simone Lo Schiavo). And during the presentation of the new coach, observed from behind the scenes, Migliaccio was cited as an example of passion, professionalism and spirit of sacrifice for the rosanero.

A new adventure, therefore, ties Giulio Migliaccio to Palermo and Palermo. Responsibilities and roles very different from Migliaccio the footballer, but certainly with the same enthusiasm and the same desire as always. The gaze turned to the future, behind a not too distant past made of joys and sorrows. Migliaccio and Palermo: the story continues.

Published on

June 28, 2024, 2:00 PM

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