Flights in Abruzzo: D’Alfonso “From airport to…dead plane”

Flights in Abruzzo: D’Alfonso “From airport to…dead plane”
Flights in Abruzzo: D’Alfonso “From airport to…dead plane”

The Abruzzo MP, Luciano D’Alfonso, returns with a note on the passenger crisis recorded by the Abruzzo airport and quips: “We are celebrating the funeral of what the Abruzzo centre-right has transformed into an airport dead”

D’Alfonso’s analysis is based on Assaeroporti data: the month of May recorded 9,537 fewer transits than in 2023 (equal to -10.6%), bringing the overall number of users lost in the first five months this year compared to the same period last year.

D’Alfonso, then continues:

“All this is happening while the average of other Italian airports is going swimmingly: in May the national figure reached +13.2%, and the nearby Ancona airport even recorded +16.2%. More than a decline, it can be defined as a collapse, which at this point has become structural because the Pescara airport has been losing passengers since November 2023, with a single parenthesis in March, when there was a very slight increase (+1,324 transits) due to the low Easter (March 31). Curiously, this negative trend began right when the new general manager, Luca Bruni, took office. These results are due to the cancellation of flights to Milan Linate and Warsaw, in addition to the strong cuts to connections with Turin, Barcelona (Girona), Bergamo, Dusseldorf, Malta and Memmingen; furthermore, the timetables of some frequencies are much more inconvenient than a year ago. It would be a good idea to free up the resources used to distribute bracelets and necklaces and allocate them to some airline to start new routes. The goal of one million passengers – dreamed of by President Marsilio last January – is postponed to another, very distant date. In the meantime, the funeral of what the Abruzzo center-right has transformed into a dead airfield is being celebrated.

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