Monday 1 July weather warning for thunderstorms

Monday 1 July weather warning for thunderstorms
Monday 1 July weather warning for thunderstorms

For Monday 1 July, weather alert no. 088/2024 was issued, valid in the regional territory of Emilia-Romagna for thunderstorms.

On the day of Monday 1 Julystarting from the afternoon, are expected conditions favorable for the development of thunderstorms
strong intensitywith possible associated effects and damages, more likely in the northern plain areas and on the coastal strip.

The Regional Functional Center and the Agency for Territorial Security and Civil Protection issue:

  • yellow alert per temporal sulle zone A1, A2, B1, B2, D1, D2, D3, F1, F2, F3, H1, H2.

Areas affected:
A1: Romagna mountains (FC, RN)
A2: High hills of Romagna (RA, FC, RN)
B1: Low hills and plains of Romagna (RA, FC, RN)
B2: Costa romagnola (RA, FC, RN)
D1: Bologna plain (BO, FE, RA)
D2: Ferrara coast (FE)
D3: Ferrara plain (FE)
F1: Modena plain (RE, MO)
F2: Reggio Emilia plain (RE)
F3: Po plain of Reggio Emilia (PR, RE)
H1: Low Piacenza-Parma hills (PC, PR)
H2: Piacenza-Parma plain (PC, PR)

Trend for the next ones 48 hours: stationary.

Alert documentation.

The staff of the CENTRO METEO EMILIA ROMAGNA would like to underline that the issuing of alerts is the exclusive task of the competent bodies and disseminates institutional messages on the source Allerta Meteo Regione Emilia Romagna.

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