The 16 best capricciose pizzas in Naples, Caserta, Salerno

The 16 best capricciose pizzas in Naples, Caserta, Salerno
The 16 best capricciose pizzas in Naples, Caserta, Salerno

You will not eat better capricciose pizzas than those tasted and evaluated by the Campionato della Pizza 2024 in Campania. 16 pizzerias in the direct clashes of the Round of 16 competed with the Capricciosa pizza, a somewhat outcast specialty which is not part of the true Neapolitan tradition which however has completed its evolution.

Traditional or contemporary, the important thing is that it is balanced with quality ingredients that give a signal of their presence at first sight and smell. Then, of course, there is the dough called to enhance the composition. Eating a pizza capricciosa made to perfection is not easy and so here is the super ranking with the votes of the 3 judges for each pizza and pizzeria. The maximum vote is 300, but we also put that in tenths like at school.

Where to eat the best Capricciosa pizzas in Naples, Caserta and Salerno: the ranking

With these pizzerias you can go for sure as you already went with Margherita and Marinara in Naples, Caserta and Salerno. And the relative rankings that you find in the best pizzerias and that we remind you.

  • Best Margherita Pizzas in Naples
  • Best margherita pizzas in Caserta
  • Best margherita pizzas in Salerno
  • Best Marinara Pizzas in Naples
  • Best marinara pizzas in Caserta
  • Best marinara pizzas in Salerno

1. Palazzo Petrucci Pizzeria – Naples

Davide Ruotolo of the Palazzo Petrucci pizzeria in the historic center of Naples is the pizza chef to beat after the qualifying rounds of the groups and the eighth-finals. With 275 points, he takes the top step of the podium for the best pizza capricciosa in Campania (you can also see it on the cover). A pizza that is beautiful to look at and even better to eat thanks to the invention of the basil sauce in which he dips the Maida artichokes, the San Giovanni cooked ham and the flash of yellow cherry tomatoes that give freshness. The dough is simply textbook.

Vote: 275 points = 9,2

Palazzo Petrucci Pizzeria. Piazza San Domenico Maggiore, 5. Naples. Tel. +390815512460. Facebook. IG.

2. The Masanielli by Francesco Martucci – Caserta

According to Francesco Martucci, Masanielli’s success with his capricious pizza is precise and only 1 point separates him from first place in the ranking of the best. A monumental Capricciosa with ingredients that stand out for the quality and balance of the combination with the note of particular merit for artichokes, olives and extra virgin olive oil. The dough gives aroma and texture to an unmissable pizza.

Score: 274 points = 9,1

The Masanielli Francesco Martucci. Viale Giulio Dohuet, 11. Caserta. Tel. +390823741284. Facebook. IG.

3. From Lioniello – Succivo (CE)

Despite the drift of the cartwheel that has infected the menu, Salvatore Lioniello remains one of the protagonists of contemporary pizza. And his pizza Capricciosa is there to testify to this with the idea of ​​sautéed porcini mushrooms, but above all the tomato ketchup that gives a sweet and sour taste well combined with the other ingredients. Light dough and precise cooking by one of the greatest bakers around, Michele Lioniello.

Score: 266 points = 8,9

From Lioniello. Via Murelle, 1. Succivo (CE). Tel. +3908118167658. Facebook. IG.

4. Concettina ai Tre Santi – Naples

The thinly sliced ​​raw mushrooms are a gem of Ciro Oliva’s Capricciosa pizza from the Concettina ai Tre Santi pizzeria. Quality ingredients with olives and artichokes for a fragrant and luxurious pizza. Cooking is millimetric.

Score: 264 points = 8,8

Concettina at the Three Saints. Via Arena alla Sanità, 7bis. Naples. Tel. +39081290037. Facebook. IG.

4. The Espositos – Salerno

Tasty dough albeit low in salt for capricious pizza in Salerno’s nightlife. Marco D’Elia manages a weight of less than 230 grams well. Impeccable cooking and a hint of crunch for a pizza with excellent cooked ham and the intense flavor of pioppini mushrooms. Artichokes that retain their flavor are good.

Score: 264 points = 8,8

The Espositos. Via Roma, 238. Salerno. Tel. +390892148942. Facebook. IG.

6. Vincenzo Capuano – Naples

Very high quality pizza. Very good cooked ham and mushrooms, less oil and artichoke. Pizza with dough worthy of note for structure and flavor, crust just moist and bursting as only a contemporary can do.

Score: 259 points = 8,7

Vincenzo Capuano Pizzeria. Piazza Vittoria, 8. Naples. Ph. +3908118754037. Facebook. IG.

7. The Masanielli of Sasà Martucci – Caserta

Delicate and elegant capricciosa. The products are of quality. Note of merit for the cooked ham cut into pieces, the olives and the matching oil. The artichokes are fresh and pan-fried while salami is not among the ingredients. The dough has a slightly crunchy crust finish.

Vote: 256 points = 8,6

The Masanielli Sasà Martucci. Via Antonio Vivaldi, 23. Caserta. Tel. +390823220092. Facebook. IG.

8. The Bull – Caserta

It’s called Il Capriccio di Simone the Capricciosa pizza by (Simone) De Gregorio. Beautiful structure observing the disc/edge proportions and considering that the dough is only 210 grams. Bright colors, quality products and you can taste it. In particular the mushrooms are porcini and the artichoke is genuinely artichoke. A little salty and with powdered olives that do not do justice to the bite.

Rating: 250 points = 8,3

The Bubble. Via Acquaviva, 24 (crossroads of Via Archivio). Caserta. Tel. +393938519393. Facebook. IG.

9. Peppercorns – Caiazzo (CE)

The Capricciosa Acquerello pizza is part of the Margherita Sbagliata line. The ingredients are partly already arranged on the disk, but the completion is entrusted to the customer with the ingredients arranged in bowls from which to fish at will. The artichokes, cooked ham and buffalo mozzarella can be combined with breaded and fried mushrooms, oregano, olive powder and dehydrated capers. Only the artichokes release a hint of vinegar which makes the pizza less balanced. Which can count on a valid dough and excellent cooking.

Score: 246 points = 8,2

Peppercorns. Vico San Giovanni Battista, 3. Caiazzo (CE) Tel. +390823862718. Facebook. IG.

10. Diego Vitagliano – Naples

Very nice pizza aesthetically, with a well-structured dough and cooked to perfection and a good smell. High quality topping and worthy of note the cooked ham while mushrooms and artichokes suffer a bit of anonymity.

Score: 245 points = 8,15

Diego Vitagliano. Via Nuova Agnano, 1. Naples. Ph. +39081 1858 1919. Facebook. IG.

11. Pizza Workshop – Sarno (SA)

The Capricciosa pizza looks great but pays the price for the vinegary tone due to the preserved artichoke. However, it is a triumph of quality of the products, from the cooked ham (exquisite) to the soppressata (delicious), from the olives (fleshy) to the tomato. Excellent gas cooking.

Score: 237 points = 7,9

12. From Attilio – Naples

Attilio Bachetti’s Capricciosa pizza is simple, light and not too full of ingredients: in fact, artichokes are missing. Good and crunchy pan-fried champignon mushrooms. A little salty and olives too intrusive. The dough is the protagonist. The slightly savory tomato contrasts the persistent (almost invasive) bitterness of the olives with the sweet tendency of the rest.

Vote: 234 points = 7,8

From Attilio. Via Pignasecca 17. Naples. Tel. +390815520479. Facebook. IG.

13. Tenth Stopover – Caserta

Very “classic” Pizza Capricciosa for Vittorio Vespignani. The smell of the artichokes is amazing as is the taste of the salami (put into cooking) which boosts the flavor of the pizza making it very tasty. The olive powder, however, disappears in the bite and is barely perceptible. Well-studied and balanced topping, but the cooked ham is overcooked and does not perform well. Well managed dough and good cooking.

Score: 232 points = 7,7

Tenth stopover. Via Sant’Agostino, 10. Caserta. Tel.+3908231870201. Facebook. IG.

14. Gaetano Paolella – Acerra (NA)

The Capricciosa pizza highlights top quality products even if the cooked taste predominates a bit. The mushrooms are good and give a nice flavour and the artichokes have a pleasant smoky hint. A bit salty but cooked very well.

Vote: 230 points = 7,7

Gaetano Paolella. Resistance Course, 187. Acerra (NA). Tel.+390813199598. Facebook. IG.

15. Carlo Sammarco – Aversa (CE)

Excellent dough and slightly cooked cooking for this Capricciosa pizza which showcases the excellent quality of the cold cuts (San Giovanni cooked ham). The artichoke, on the other hand, is a little dull like the champignon mushrooms).

Score: 228 points = 7,6

Carlo Sammarco 2.0. Via Antonio Gramsci, 60. Aversa (CE). Tel. +390813418504. Facebook. IG.

16. La Notizia – Naples

Classic capricciosa with artichokes, black olives, cooked ham and orecchioni mushrooms but without salami. Traditional direct dough unchanged for 50 years with good cooking. The olives have a slightly invasive taste.

Score: 219 points = 7,3

La Notizia 53. Via Michelangelo da Caravaggio, 53. Naples. Tel. +390817142155. Facebook. IG.

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