Regional civil service: 11 positions available in the province of Rimini

Regional civil service: 11 positions available in the province of Rimini
Regional civil service: 11 positions available in the province of Rimini

There are 11 places available in 6 different projects located in Rimini and the province for the Regional Civil Service. In Emilia Romagna there are 217 places available, of which 41 are reserved for young people with fewer opportunities (low education, NEET, economic-social hardship and residents in mountainous or inland areas).

They can participate girls and boys aged between 18 and 29 years oldresident or domiciled in Italy without distinction of nationality.

There is time until 2:00 p.m. on July 15, 2024 to submit the application for participation, exclusively online through the HeliosERGiovani platformchoosing the regional civil service project to engage in.

Only one application may be submitted for one location for the implementation of a project or co-project.

The activity will start on September 2nd or October 1st 2024based on the selected project, It will last from 8 to 11 months for 5 days a week, with an hourly commitment of 15, 20 or 25 hours per week. Participants will be paid a monthly allowance of 550.20 euros for 25 hours per weekOf 440.10 euros for 20 hours and 330.00 euros for 15 hours.

The link with the map of Rimini projects divided by province:

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