Bologna, Marin Pongracic to replace Riccardo Calafiori

The fate of Riccardo Calafiori is now marked: in the summer he is destined to leave Bolognaespecially in light of the good performances in the Azzurra jersey on his debut in a European competition.

Juventus is obviously interested in him, here he will be able to find Thiago Motta who practically made him the player he is today. The Bianconeri are about to formulate their official offer to the Felsinei who at that point can negotiate the transfer but not prevent it.

Who at Bologna in Calafiori’s place?

The alternative that Di Vaio and Sartori are thinking about has only one name and surname, also coming from a good European Championship, and that is Marin Pongracic. The Croatian defender culminated the season with a good European – in this regard his value has also grown – but before him he had shown himself with all his elegance on the pitch with the Lecce shirt.

For the strong central defender from Landshut, capable of also playing the arm in a three-man defence, it would not be a great leap forward on an emotional level since in his career he wore the shirts of 1860 Munich, Salzburg, Wolfsburg and Dortmund playing also Champions League matches. In short, everything Bologna needs to replace an excellent element like Calafiori.

Pongracic is on everyone’s lips or at least in their notebook. In recent weeks there has been talk of Conte’s Napoli and in this regard Corvino himself had commented:

During the season he has shown that he is a central defender, even if young, very important and he demonstrated it last night too. Does Manna like it? He is in the thoughts of many clubs, I don’t know how much Napoli wants him but I’m sure, knowing Conte, that Pongracic hasn’t escaped him.


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