We do not accept the vetoes of some parties, because we are always with minors and separated people

We do not accept the vetoes of some parties, because we are always with minors and separated people
We do not accept the vetoes of some parties, because we are always with minors and separated people

For twenty-seven years we have been assisting minors who are involved in their parents’ separations against their will and the parent, notoriously, effectively removed from the lives of their children due to an absurd combination of the institutions that should protect them and the chronic absence of almost all of the Aosta Valley political world, which, deliberately, ignores these perpetuated and daily abuses on minors and their fathers, the cause, in Aosta Valley, also of many suicides of fathers, helpless and offended by unjust justice. Problems never addressed, because the political forces do not want to displease the court and do not want to tackle a serious and binding regulation of social services, tolerating the waste of public money with the financing of social structures and assignments to professionals who, in practice, may then turn out not to be such.

No official in the family, health, health and social policy sector, as would be their institutional duty, carries out checks on the work of the social services structure and the ASL which deals with social policies, avoiding, as a matter of practice, that controllers and controlled they are always the same people. Monitoring of services is a duty, but not an option at the discretion of regional administrators and local authorities.

The Region does not want to involve social services so as not to go against those party forces that protect this structure (a harbinger of votes) and that serve to keep a shaky majority standing, where the left (from which we have asked several times for help on these devastating problems) we forget about separated fathers and minors marginalized by the management of public structures, with all the resulting deleterious consequences. A department and other privileges, for a left-wing party and for those who declare themselves to be at the service of citizens, is the oppression of the just claims of separated people and their children worth it? But, perhaps, the VdA is a very special region and not very inclined to protect all citizens, including that 70% of those oppressed by a cheerful institutional management of minors and of the weakest parent excluded from the lives of their children. Baby gangs and juvenile delinquency are not our invention, but a fact. When it was asked to place a stele at the edge of the garden in front of the court to remember Antonio Sonatore, everyone unanimously did not vote in favor, as if it were a dishonor to remember the first Italian father who set himself on fire oppressed by the unjust justice of the Aosta court and whose anniversary (7 April) is remembered throughout the world as a day to protect the parent removed from the lives of their children.

These parties (or local movements) not only are not interested in these social problems, but would also like this association not to talk about them and that, in the conferences and conferences it organises, it does not give space to the opposition forces, that is to exponents who, alone in the last legislatures, spoke about the dramatic situation of separated people and their children, of suicidal fathers, acting as interpreters of our demands, even with systematic interpellations, rejected by the vast majority of regional councilors.

We do not accept vetoes on our work – but we are available for a public discussion on specific issues, even with all the parties, as always invoked – because, for twenty-seven years, we have been consistent with our fair requests, as provided for by the statute, and not we are on the bandwagon of no party force. We ask for justice for separated people and their children, in line with the provisions of Italian law and international conventions on minors. We have publicly underlined our appreciation for the individual initiatives of individual regional councilors who are interested in the problems of minors and separated fathers.

We are not interested in their belonging to this or that party (M5S, autonomous group, League, PD and/or any others), we are not interested in their surname, but exclusively in the content of their questions and their interventions in defense of the separated and of the children of the separated. The rest is just a reprehensible way of behaving by those who consider politics not as a service to the community, but only as a providential opportunity to settle their own economic and clientelistic affairs. Perhaps, for some, family and friends probably included.

We do not accept vetoes from some parties or their emissaries and, in meetings and conferences, we will invite those who have put their face in the battle for the rights denied to minors and to the parent removed from their life. We will do it in our own way, without mincing words, denouncing the injustices prevailing in the Aosta Valley, also due to the responsibility of the regional councilors who ignore the scourge of youth hardship and the deleterious consequences that all this will cause in regional society and beyond.

Our conferences, debates and conventions, like the one on September 14, are open to everyone and everyone can participate in the space reserved for debate. Furthermore, all those who want to interact with us, a voluntary association, can do so not with the alleged prohibitions, but following clear, but non-discriminatory, political acts of a parent.

The rest is just the paranoia of those who, institutionally paid to protect all citizens, do nothing (or, rather, refuse to do so), despite being well aware of the disastrous situation of separated Aosta Valley residents, to protect them in all institutional settings and allow However, contributions for separated people are administered without rules and without feedback. Perhaps the Court of Auditors would do well to verify and apply its skills to curb the squandering of public money, that is, of all of us Italian taxpayers.

Ubaldo Valentini, president. Separated Parents Association for the Protection of Minors (aps)
Contacts: tel. 347.6504095, This email address is protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.parentalseparati.it

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