National school of administration Reggio Calabria, courses begin

The training courses promoted by the Coordination Committee of the National School of Administration (Sna), recently established in Reggio Calabria, will start on 16 and 17 July.

Boom in enrollments at the National School of Administration of Reggio Calabria

207 registrations were received and, specifically – underlines the vice-president of the Princi Region – «the course “Effective communication in local authorities” recorded 50 participants; the “Monitoring and reporting of Pnrr projects” course, 58 enrolled, plus another 99 expressions of interest for both courses offered”.

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Giusi Princi is also president of the Coordination Committee of the Sna territorial hub. Through a note, the vice president of the Calabrian regional council invites, through the mayors, all employees who have already expressed their preliminary interest, responding to a specific note issued in March 2024, to complete the registration, no later than 5 July, using the following link

«To meet the great training need highlighted through the many requests received – Princi also writes -, we will accept all requests. With the Coordination Committee, we have, in fact, decided to activate more courses, drawing up a timetable that will be completed by December 2024. The requests of those who complete the registration process by July 5th but will be able to enroll in the courses exclusively for those who have already filled out the form sent with a specific note dated March 2024″.

Here’s when the training will begin

According to the timetable, drawn up by the Coordination Committee, the training will begin on 16 and 17 July with the first of the courses dedicated to ‘Effective communication in local authorities’. The training will take place in Reggio Calabria, at the headquarters of the regional hub. Participation in the courses is free.

TO KNOW MORE: Reggio Calabria, the National School of Administration opens

«The regional training center of the Sna – underlines the vice-president – ​​sees Calabria as the first among the Italian regions to establish it. We strongly wanted it with the President Roberto Occhiuto, with the Calabrian parliamentarian Francesco Cannizzaro, with the Minister Paolo Zangrillo and with the rector of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, Giuseppe Zimbalatti, in order to improve the skills of the Calabrian public administration and, with them, the quality of public services”.

The training offer will be expanded to meet the new needs of public administrations

The headquarters was established in Reggio Calabria, at Palazzo Zani, by decree of the Minister for Public Administration and made operational thanks to the stipulation of a memorandum of understanding between the Calabria Region, the Department of Public Function, the Sna and the University Mediterranean of Reggio Calabria.

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«The Calabria training center – concludes vice-president Princi – also has the task of responding to the training needs of the local administrations of the Region and, for this reason, it is ready to accept the requests and suggestions of all the bodies to make, together, our more modern, efficient and citizen-oriented public administration. In this regard, we will also launch a listening and co-planning campaign that will help the Hub to define the training offer that best responds to the needs of the territories.”

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