“LIATING NUMBERS” by Silvia De Angelis. Inconsistent coherence in barricaded ballets. Review of Alessandria today

“LIATING NUMBERS” by Silvia De Angelis. Inconsistent coherence in barricaded ballets. Review of Alessandria today
“LIATING NUMBERS” by Silvia De Angelis. Inconsistent coherence in barricaded ballets. Review of Alessandria today

Silvia De Angelis, with her work “NUMERI BUGIARDI”, takes us on a journey through the complexity and fragmentation of the human experience, using a poetic language that challenges logic and embraces incoherence as a form of artistic expression.

The poem opens with a strong image of “Incoherent coherence in barricaded ballets”, suggesting a paradox that permeates the entire composition. This opening sentence introduces a central theme of the work: the tension between order and chaos, between what is visible and what is hidden.

The “mental templates” they represent our perceptions and beliefs, which are tested and shattered by imposed logic. The poetess uses the term “they shatter essences of logic”evoking the idea of ​​a disintegration of our certainties under the weight of changing truths.

The image of “looking like papier-mâché” that yes “shatters when touched” it is a powerful metaphor for the fragility of appearances and the superficiality of our beliefs. Papier-mâché, a fragile and artificial material, symbolizes the precarious construction of our certainties, ready to fall apart at the slightest pressure.

There “thorn stuck in the void” introduces an element of pain and discomfort, underlining the questions and uncertainties that arise when we are faced with disharmony and uncertainty. This strong and painful image invites the reader to reflect on the nature of doubt and the search for meaning.

L’“harmony of a changing discourse” and the “harmony of a clumsy mathematics” they represent the difficulty of finding coherence and stability in a world where truths are continually evolving. Mathematics, generally a symbol of precision and certainty, here becomes clumsy, incapable of offering definitive answers.

Finally, the poet leaves us with the image of “lying numbers”, symbol of the false certainties and illusions we pursue. These numbers represent the distorted and manipulated truths that we often accept without questioning.

In conclusion, “NUMERI BUGIARDI” by Silvia De Angelis is a work that invites deep reflection, using powerful images and a language rich in symbolism to explore the tensions and contradictions of the human experience. The poet challenges us to question our beliefs and confront uncertainty and doubt as an integral part of our path to growth and understanding.

Note: The review is based solely on the text provided and does not consider the full context of the work or other poems by the author.


LIARING NUMBERS, by Silvia De Angelis, Rome.

Inconsistent consistency

in barricaded ballets

on mental templates.

They shatter essences of logic

towards a papier-mâché appearance

addicted to shattering at the touch.

A thorn stuck in the void

reports questions

on the harmony of a changing discourse

in harmony

of clumsy mathematics

chasing lying numbers

@Silvia De Angelis

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