Hidden Treasures: Discovering Underground Puglia on Repubblica which on Saturday gives away a volume of extraordinary value

Hidden Treasures: Discovering Underground Puglia on Repubblica which on Saturday gives away a volume of extraordinary value
Hidden Treasures: Discovering Underground Puglia on Repubblica which on Saturday gives away a volume of extraordinary value

Saturday 29 June, Repubblica Bari presents an exclusive journey through the buried secrets of the region

Repubblica offers a volume on the caves of Puglia of extraordinary value.

The initiative clashes strongly with a musical event that will take place in these days inside the most famous tourist cave in the Region, downgraded to a location for shows and events.

But let’s get to the good news:

A journey into the hidden heart of Puglia, among caves and hypogea that narrate the thousand-year history of man: this is what the new volume offers “Underground PugliaFrom the caves to the hypogea, history over the centuries”available for free on newsstands on Saturday 29 June with the purchase of Repubblica Bari.

The 168-page book is the thirteenth title in the Barisienne series and promises to be a fascinating and in-depth exploration of the treasures hidden beneath the surface of this history-rich land.

The volume, edited by editor-in-chief Domenico Castellaneta, invites readers to a 360-degree exploration of the Apulian underground world.

From naturalistic sites such as the famous Castellana Caves, discovered in 1938 by the speleologist Franco Anelli, to the signs of the civilization that has inhabited the stone for centuries, the book is a window onto an immense and often underestimated heritage.

Underground Puglia is a world of beauty and mystery, where the past of man is intertwined with the geological history of the region.

The discovery of the Man of Altamura in the Lamalunga cave in 1993 and the discovery of a deposit of dinosaur footprints in the Pontrelli quarry of Altamura in 1999 are just some of the episodes that the book brings to light, demonstrating how Puglia has witnessed different eras and civilizations.

Among the pages, readers will find interviews and contributions from experts and journalists from Repubblica Bari, such as Anna Puricella and Antonella W. Gaeta, who offer insights into the various aspects of underground Puglia.

From scientific value to cultural fascination, every corner of this hidden world is explored with care and detail.

The book does not limit itself to describing the places, but also tells the stories of those who lived and worked in these spaces, from paleoanthropologists such as Giorgio Manzi, who explains the importance of the discovery of the Altamura Man, to geologists such as Mario Parise, which illustrate the beauty of the caves through a journey that goes from Gargano to Salento.

“Underground Puglia” is more than just a book: it is an invitation to look at the region from a different perspective, to rediscover the richness of a heritage that waits to be enhanced and shared.

To guarantee a copy, we recommend reserving the volume at your local newsstand.

An opportunity for lovers of Apulian history, geology and culture to immerse themselves in a timeless adventure, in the beating heart of a land that continues to surprise.

If some Apulian friend gets me a copy and brings it to me at the next meeting in Caselle di Pittari, I will offer him a glass of wine.

Andrea Scatolini

Source: https://bari.repubblica.it/cronaca/2024/06/25/news/la_puglia_sotterranea_libro_repubblica_bari_ipogei-423281472/

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