«He will be able to lead the city with dedication»

«I am confident: the new mayor will be able to lead the city with wisdom and dedication». The prefect Rossana Riflesso, on the occasion of the presentation of the historical exhibition dedicated to the Guardia di Finanza, intervenes after the celebrations for the election of Laura Nargi at the top in Piazza del Popolo.

«I heard that the newly elected mayor invited and promised that there will be a calmer and more peaceful situation in the capital – says the prefect -. I am sure that will keep faith with this promise“. The government representative, after the tensions of the last few weeks, therefore hopes for a climate of serenity. And her appeal goes in this direction. “The election period is always a time of great participation and interest for the community – she remarks -. Unfortunately, there can be some moments of tension. My message, of course, is to always maintain moderate tones and educated about these issues.”

And in reference to post-voting brawls (all under the magnifying glass of the police and of the Prefecture itself, which monitored every phase of the elections in the city and provincial territory), the prefect underlines: «It is clear that these events concern the first days. I am sure that in any case these tense situations, carefully monitored, will diminish.” Soon the prefect will meet with the mayor Nargi: «I’m waiting for the proclamation. And when she does, I will have great pleasure in meeting her.” Yesterday morning, Prefect Riflesso participated in the presentation of the historical exhibition of the Guardia di Finanza set up in Piazza Libertà at the Sistema Irpinia hub in Palazzo Caracciolo, while General Nicola Di Guglielmo retraced the history of the yellow flames. Today the Corps celebrates 250 years of its foundation.

The prefect Riflesso, together with the provincial commander Salvatore Minale, visited the historical exposition. «The Financial Police it’s part of my family. We work very well together – comments the government representative -. We have an area in common which is that of the committee for public order and safety where together we make decisions regarding the control of the territory and the aspects of public order and safety. The Financial Police is part of the family. Has specific skills and also contributes to the skills of others. It’s an act that had to be here. I participate with great pleasure and with love for the Guardia di Finanza which, in fact, carries out very important tasks for our community”, concludes the prefect. After the morning stage, in the afternoon he then took part in the busy program of the celebrations of the Anniversary of the Fiamme Gialle also in Piazza Libertà.


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