The money from the Strait Bridge for the water crisis in Sicily. Salvini rejects the M5s proposal

The money from the Strait Bridge for the water crisis in Sicily. Salvini rejects the M5s proposal
The money from the Strait Bridge for the water crisis in Sicily. Salvini rejects the M5s proposal

Empty reservoirs, animals forced to drink in the mud and tankers that become the only hope for farmers and breeders. The water crisis that Sicily faces during this summer season could be the most serious in recent years. However, the fault does not lie solely with the lack of rainfallbut it is attributable to historical network problems and to one general inefficiency in resource management. Currently, almost a million Sicilians already have to deal with the water rationing system. And the topic was also discussed yesterday during question time at the Chamber of Deputies, with questions requiring immediate response. The recipient, in this case, was the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini.

The branded proposal 5 Star Movement concerns the modernization of the Sicilian water network, but using the funds allocated to Bridge over the Strait of Messina. According to Salvini’s own announcements, the construction sites of the project should have started by the summer of this yearbut we will talk about it again in 2025after the cold shower of Valerio Mele, director of the technical area of ​​the Stretto di Messina company, who spoke at the municipal council of the Peloritan capital.

«Hundreds of thousands of Sicilians are deprived of the right to water, which is available sent to them occasionally for a few hours a week. Not to mention the consequences for agriculture and the productive activities of the island – explains the Five Star MP during her speech Ida Carmina – The Sicilian water network is a sieve and the dispersion of water reaches crazy percentages. For every liter introduced into the network, more than half is lost; without forgetting the situation of Sicilian waterthat offers terrible service and poor financial management. Sicilians are exhausted and people are increasingly exasperated, with tensions also for public order, as highlighted by the prefect of Agrigento and many Sicilian mayors. You have staked everything on the Strait Bridge – concludes Carmina – but I ask you whether it is not appropriate to divert part of those funds for satisfy the thirst of the Sicilians».

Provocation which the deputy prime minister sent back to the sender, flaunting numbers and investments. «I reassure the Sicilian citizens about the water network. To date for this Region 122 different interventions are planned, for an investment of 899 million euros – explains Salvini – In particular for the reduction of losses and for general digitalisation. They were also deemed eligible 49 interventions proposed by the Sicilian Region. As regards the managers, we have started monitoring the expenditure of the allocated funds. I will never tire of repeating that the Bridge does not exclude other interventions. A new infrastructure is always a driving force for new investments. I therefore claim the funds allocated by this government for the water crisis.”

«His is not alone an unsatisfactory answerbut it is also worrying», is the rejoinder of the 5 Star Movement deputy Daniela Morfino. The rationing plan started in March is currently relevant 93 Municipalities in the provinces of Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Enna, Palermo and Trapani. The decision was taken by the regional authorities together with Siciliaqua, the company that manages the supply of water and its distribution to the Municipalities. Among the proposals brought forward by the Region there is also the reactivation of the Porto Empedocle watermaker, in the province of Agrigento. Infrastructure stopped since 12 years and which is in a state of total abandonment. «Part of the mountain of money destined for the Bridge could be used to do the good of Sicily – Morfino continues in his speech – The absence of water is a devastating problem. She can’t get away with saying she’ll send a billion here and one there. Among the critical issues it emerged that with the opening of the Ponte construction site the metropolitan area of ​​Messina could also remain without water. Minister, wake up! Sicilians need drinking water and not the bridge over the strait».

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