More controls and protections for residents and shopkeepers

Thursday 27 June 2024 – 07:00

“More controls are needed but above all a different paradigm of tourism management that protects small artisan shops, historic businesses and local shops“. Thus the municipal councilor of the Democratic Party, Enrico Bruni and the person responsible for relations with foreign communities of the dem municipal secretariat, Shkelzen Hasanajdenounce the situation in the city centre, increasingly crowded with stalls and aggressive tourists.

There are more and more of them – Bruni said – the commercial activities that arise and in the last year new shops have been opened souvenirs wholesale, even in city streets that until now had an exclusively residential vocation, such as Borgo and Piazza Dante, to the detriment of the residents and the quality of services and the Conti Council was not able to govern them in the slightest. While we believe that entrepreneurial freedom and the development of tourism are fundamental for this city, these must not compromise peace between residents and economic activities.”

Despite the measures adopted by the council, however, according to the two members of the Democratic Party, no effective results have been seen. “In several cases – added Hasanaj – the unmanaged opening of such businesses in the historic center has indirectly contributed to the
numerous degradation problems, sometimes resulting in the creation of ethnically segregated areas such as in the station district, modifying on the one hand the image of the city and on the other contributing to making the management of security in those neighborhoods increasingly complex. It is necessary to find more adequate tools to govern these phenomena and support positive dialogue between communities.”

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