Differentiated autonomy, President Mattarella promulgates the law

Differentiated autonomy, President Mattarella promulgates the law
Differentiated autonomy, President Mattarella promulgates the law

The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, promulgated the law on Autonomy, i.e. the law containing “provisions for the implementation of the differentiated autonomy of the Regions with ordinary statute pursuant to article 116, third paragraph, of the Constitution”.

The provision

Since its publication in the Gazzetta, the provision has become state law and allows Minister Calderoli to start negotiations with Veneto and the Regions for the devolution of the requested matters, but also allows those who want to promote a referendum to take action. In recent days, M5S had asked the head of state not to promulgate the law and others had hypothesized a more extended promulgation accompanied by a message specifying how to interpret some rules, as happened for example with the first Salvini decree on immigration during the government yellow green. Mattarella, on the other hand, promulgated the law on differentiated autonomy 6 days after its definitive approval by Parliament, denying the hypotheses of a not very quick examination by Colle.


see also

Differentiated autonomy, Meloni: irresponsible tones from the opposition

The applause of the League

“President Mattarella, after only a week from the approval of the Chamber, promulgated the law on Differentiated Autonomy. Thus, in a single act, weeks of lies and exploitation are denied” comments the deputy of the League Alberto Stefani, rapporteur of Autonomy in the Chamber and president of the bicameral body for the implementation of fiscal federalism. “If June 19th went down in history as the date of approval of the Autonomy, June 26th is certainly a historic date in which President Mattarella promulgated the Autonomy law” underlines Luca Zaia, president of the Veneto Region. “Now – he concludes – we will wait for the publication in the official gazette and then ask to start again with the negotiations regarding the matters foreseen by the constitution”.


see also

Differentiated autonomy, what will the Regions ask for?

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