Agrigento weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 28 June

The weather forecast for Friday 28 June in Agrigento forecast clear sky conditions throughout the day. The maximum temperature will reach i 30.9°C around 12:00, with a perceived temperature of 30.2°CDuring the night, temperatures will remain around 22°C.

In the early hours of the morning, come on 06:00 to 09:00the wind will blow from the North – North East at a speed between 4.9km/h hey 10.3km/hand then turns West – South West with increasing intensity up to 12km/h between 10:00 and 11:00. In the afternoon, the wind direction will remain constant from West – South West, with gusts that can reach 18.5km/h at about 1:00 pm.

Humidity will be maintained around the 35% during the morning, and then increase slightly in the afternoon until 47% at about 5pmand then drops again during the evening.

The weather forecast for the next few days in Agrigento they indicate a maintenance of clear sky conditions and high temperatures, with values ​​that could exceed 30°C even in the following days. It is therefore advisable to pay attention to prolonged exposure to the sun and maintain an adequate level of hydration.

All the weather data for Friday 28 June in Agrigento

Complete weather forecast for Agrigento

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