Basketball, series A2 | Libertas-Ricci, it’s goodbye: Amos’ greeting

Basketball, series A2 | Libertas-Ricci, it’s goodbye: Amos’ greeting
Basketball, series A2 | Libertas-Ricci, it’s goodbye: Amos’ greeting

After four years as an absolute protagonist and a hard-earned promotion to A2 which arrived at the height of the last season, the streets of Amos Ricci and those of Libertas Livorno They separate. The 32-year-old from Vasto himself made the farewell official with a touching post in which, after retracing the years in the amaranth jersey, he thanked those who, in Livorno, always made him feel at home and hugged his teammates for supporting him in difficult moments , explains the reasons for a painful farewell, partly unexpected, but ultimately accepted by a great professional and man: “Now it’s time to say goodbye – Ricci writes at the end of the post -. I wouldn’t have imagined leaving you at the most beautiful moment, but the technical choices are different and all I have to do is accept their decision, thanking them for what has been given to me over the years”. So the farewell from Livorno acquired and true libertarian: “Look Livorno what we have done together, look where we are now”. Below the post, dozens and dozens of comments from fans, all extremely grateful: “Thanks to you warrior, you will always be welcome here”

Arriving in the summer of 2020 from San Vendemiano, Ricci immediately entered the hearts of the fans, demonstrating on the pitch an attachment to the unusual jersey since the first day he wore it. Also thanks to his friendship with the then captain Francesco Forti, of whom he would later be best man at his wedding, capable of transmitting not only to Amos the values ​​and meaning of playing for a glorious club and an extremely passionate public. A special relationship consolidated over time that is coming to an end only in the sporting part. Because friendships, like the results achieved, will last a long time.

Libertas-Ricci, it’s goodbye. The greeting of number 12: “Look Livorno what we have done together”

“I joined the LL project 4 years ago with the intention of bringing back a people’s passion for the ball and trying to win a championship as ambitious as that of the B series – writes Ricci in his greeting to his people -. To make sure For this to happen I gave my all playing even with a broken rib and half a season without an ankle.” “In the meantime – continues the 32-year-old from Vasto – I met fantastic people who always made me feel at home in every single moment of my stay in Livorno and who I want to thank. I experienced joys and sorrows inside the locker room and I thank all my teammates team for putting up with me. We made 3 finals in 4 years, we participated in 2 Italian cups and we won the championship and went to Serie A – continues Amos – we won a docu-series that will be broadcast on the most important platforms streaming”.

“But now – concludes the now former 12 amaranth – it’s time to say goodbye… I wouldn’t have imagined leaving you at the most beautiful moment, but the technical choices are different and all I have to do is accept their decision, thanking them for how much I has been given over the years. Thank you Thank you. Look at Livorno what we have done together, look at where we are now”. In Serie A2, in fact, also thanks to Amos Ricci.

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