“Palermo a step ahead for me. No three-man defence”

June 26, 2024, 5.57pm

5 min read

PALERMO – The coach Alexei Dionysis, in the press room of the “Renzo Barbera”, made his first statements as Palermo’s new coach. With enthusiasm and great desire to do things, also in the presence of the sporting director Morgan De Sanctis and the CEO John GardiniDionisi showed up in the square of the Sicilian capital.

“I’m happy, very happy to be here. I accepted with great enthusiasm, we have this challenge together. Behind us is the entire CFG group and the passion of the square that I already perceive in these first days.”

“To date, the category I know best is Serie D (laughs, ed.). I use a metaphor, in your eyes I took one step back to take three forward. I accepted with great enthusiasm from the first moment. Marriages are made in two, especially with the will. You have to want things and then be united in the moments that matter. Every day we will try to improve what we have done starting from an excellent base.”

“I don’t feel any weight, but a great stimulus. I come from Serie D not from Serie A, for me this is a step forward. We must accept what we are today to improve ourselves tomorrow knowing that there are difficulties. I’m here and I can’t wait.”

“The director (Gardini, ed.) spoke separately and said to improve. In my opinion some good has been done, in construction and programming. We must continue and we want to improve on what has been done. The hope is to live up to expectations. I’m finding out where they started from, we have quite clear ideas about what can be improved but the will must be univocal. I didn’t come to sign just one contract, but like me all the others.”

Dionisi and the choice of Palermo

“I can’t decide which teams are for me, I can only choose between the various opportunities and I took this one. That’s why I say finally. Every place and every season is different, there is no such thing as a coach’s football. I don’t think it’s more difficult or simpler, in the meantime I have to adapt to the environment of the people and the club and the quality of the players. This way we will develop the best that is in our power.”

“My or our goal will be to have an identity, which means not always winning but getting up after difficulties. The square transmits a lot, there is a lot of passion, not pressure. I have a passion for football. So I finally have an opportunity and I am very happy to represent this city and these unique colors.”

“As for the exemption, I say it’s an experience. I don’t know Trapattoni personally but he said that coaches are divided into two categories: those who will come and those who have been sacked. And I have never missed anything. You have to accept it, unfortunately I didn’t finish the season and it’s part of my baggage. He will try to convey precisely this to the team.”

On Dionisi’s football

“Diktat? This is a strong term, I don’t like it. Availability comes first, I demand this. If there isn’t this from the players we won’t be on the same side. We have quite clear ideas between us, it takes time to put the right pieces in. This must be at the base.”

“Difficulties exist in all seasons and in all realities. We must turn pressures into motivations. However, we have to recognize ourselves in a long and balanced championship like Serie B. In Serie A, what happens here doesn’t happen, so we have to work to always be united. It’s too easy to be now, the goal is reached in the end and the finish line is far away.”

“Game system? We will start again from the safety and quality of the players. I have to find availability and they will be made at ease, because this is the only way to get the best. By all means we will try to do this. We just have to try to be effective. We won’t play with three at the back, I think the rest can be interpreted“.

“Technical staff? I don’t come alone. I spoke to all the players by phone and I wanted to introduce myself and convey what I want from them from day one. Words have a value, said on the phone in one way and face to face and on the field in another. I wanted to listen to them and understand where to start again, but from the motivations, not from the technical or tactical idea.”

Mr. Dionisi’s Palermo

“On young people? A coach never fully knows the qualities of a player. I have an idea about these young guys, but like the whole squad. As far as the pitch is concerned, I coach the team and I do the training. The valorization starts from there and belongs to all the players. The goal is for there to be as much competition as possible, because this raises the level. We will try to bring out that something extra.”

“I don’t identify with a game system, but with the qualities of the players. I’ve already trained Stulac but he’s not the only one. I spoke to him on the phone and encouraged him, he could have done more and he is aware of it. I want to see, but not just the qualities because I recognize those. Then there is the competition, someone gets excited and someone gives way to their partner. The choices are made by the coach and Leo Stulac today is a Palermo player who must demonstrate that he has a spirit of revenge.”

“First experience in the south? I’m happy and curious. I already perceive it, I try to grasp it also through Migliaccio and the ownership or the players. Anyone who has already experienced it can pass it on to me. I want to measure myself with that too, with the difficulties because they are part of the game. My family is happy about this.”

Published on

June 26, 2024, 5.57pm

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