passion for work and specialization in Psychiatry

passion for work and specialization in Psychiatry
passion for work and specialization in Psychiatry

PADUA – In the hospital corridors and in the university classrooms. Friends, classmates and professors. The news of the Madeira accident spread quickly from Palazzo Bo to Via Giustiniani, shocking anyone who had known Margherita Salvucci’s smile in recent years. The date of the funeral has not yet been set and a long time is expected between the autopsy, approval from the judiciary and the return of the body to Italy, but many have already expressed the desire to leave for the Marche when the time comes to say the last heartbroken farewell to the doctor.

Margherita Salvucci, graduation in Padua

Born in Jesi and raised in the Macerari area, Margherita arrived in Veneto for study medicine in padua and graduated on 6 July 2021 in the Nievo room of Palazzo Bo with the maximum score, 110 cum laude. There is a beautiful family photo to portray that moment of infinite joy. He had done an internship at the Padua Mental Health Center in Via Berchet with Dr. Angela Passamani and for three years he had been specializing in Psychiatry in the hospital department. In Padua he had also found love. The boyfriend from the province of Venice, first a classmate and then a colleague in the department, immediately boarded a flight to Portugal. It was he who alerted the other doctors on Via Giustiniani to the tragedy yesterday.

Research and passion for work

“We are all very saddened by this loss,” says Angela Favaro, director of Psychiatry at the hospital in Padua. Professor Fabio Sambataro was the one who knew her best. He had been the girl’s thesis supervisor but is also the director of the school of specialization in Psychiatry. “I met her at the time of Covid, when she was stuck in the Marche region and she asked me to write her thesis. At the time in the Marche region the pandemic was not as dramatic as in Veneto and I teased her about the fact that she was always tanned. Margherita wanted to specialize in Psychiatry but she was also interested in research. She was supposed to go to both Alto Adige and Canada to do six months of very high-level work. She was interested in postpartum depression and he had also worked with me on bipolar disorder». The professional memory is combined with the personal one. «A wonderful person, always with a smile and always ready to give support to everyone. Never rude, never a no. This is a great professional loss, because she was also very good at relating to patients, but above all it is a great human loss. She had been living in Padua for some time and by now she was very well established here. She had told us about her journey and her attachment to her family. In two weeks she would be on guard duty with us again.”


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