The Left Authorizes the Mural with Turban and Hijab. The League Is Angry in Piacenza

A series of “ethnic” muralswhich depict among other things a woman with her face covered by an Islamic veil, a man with a turban and a person of African origins with a white headdress. And next to the images of the faces, phrases also written in Arabic that praise “mixed identities”. This is the work that in Piacenza has become a political “case”, with the League that in the last few hours has essentially accused the municipal administration led by the Democratic Party of wanting to “to impose” il politically correct and the “unique thought” also through art. In fact, it would have been the department for youth policies that gave the OK to the creation of the murals that ended up under the magnifying glass of the Carroccio, for a work that apparently ended a few days ago. The issue was raised by the Northern League municipal councilor Luca Zandonella, who in a note published on his Facebook page did not hide his disappointment with the initiative and did not spare a “jab” at the centre-left.

These new murals, authorized by the youth policies department of the Municipality of Piacenza in via Boselli, demonstrate once again the direction in which the Tarasconi administration is going – wrote the person directly concerned, attacking the “dem” mayor Katia Tarasconi and her council – of the various images, including women with veils and indecipherable languages, I will mention one above all: “Mixed Identities”. Do I need to add anything to these words? I don’t think it’s necessary.” Zandonella emphasized the fact that an administration should first of all enhance and effectively promote the traditions local and national. And only at that point can we compare ourselves with other cultures, pointing out their positive aspects and stigmatizing those considered negative or discriminatory.

“Public administrations should first focus on knowledge and respect for the identity and traditions of our country, and then deal with different cultures, appreciating their positive aspects and stigmatizing the negative and unacceptable ones in our society. – concluded Zandonella – and I have no problem saying it, even if political correctness and the unique thought of today would like to impose certain concepts”. There are quite a few citizens who, on Facebook, have shown that they share the point of view of the representative of the League: someone has spoken of obscurantism“, instead of pluralism.

“Unfortunately, a certain political party is trying to impose a single thought, year after year and in different ways – concluded Zandonella, doubling down in a comment reported by PiacenzaToday – I’m sorry but I will never tire of reporting it”

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