Salerno, awareness campaign to combat scams targeting the elderly

“As already noted and denounced by the Spokesperson of the National Third Sector Forum, Vanessa Pallucchi, the Anffas Campania Regional Coordinator, Salvatore Parisi – we read in a press note signed by him – notes with bitterness that within the Aid Decree no compensation against high energy prices is provided for non-profit entities, and therefore the Third Sector, which manage services of primary and fundamental importance for the elderly and people with serious and very serious disabilities.

In fact, the DL Aid bis was approved in the Senate without the necessary amendments which also provided for support to Third Sector entities. This represents a very negative signal, once again there is the sad feeling that the importance of activities aimed at social inclusion, at combating inequalities and at taking care of people with serious and very serious disabilities, is recognized more in words than with the facts.

Non-profit organisations, like for-profit companies, are heavily affected by the disastrous consequences of the energy crisis and, even more so than for-profit companies, cannot “pass on” any increase in costs to customers, as it would mean passing them on to the elderly, people with disabilities and their families.

It is certain that, in the absence of concrete aid from the State, the alternatives for those who carry out a management model not focused on profit, but on personal care and the protection of the common good, are unfortunately only two: being able to make it with its own strength, but it is practically impossible, or close its doors permanently. Anffas strongly expects action to be taken and this serious shortcoming to be remedied as soon as possible, since forgetting the Third Sector would mean wanting to leave those in a most disadvantaged and suffering condition on the margins.

So that our services, which daily take care of hundreds of people with serious and very serious disabilities, and provide employment to hundreds of operators, are not forced into a definitive collapse, we turn forcefully and without distinction to all the political forces, which in these hours are busy with their electoral campaign and planning the fate of our country, and in particular we turn to our Governor Vincenzo De Luca, so that he intervenes immediately also with the opening of an institutional table”.

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