Press Release: CRV – Veneto Council, Sixth commission: ok for 2024 budget adjustment

Press Release: CRV – Veneto Council, Sixth commission: ok for 2024 budget adjustment
Press Release: CRV – Veneto Council, Sixth commission: ok for 2024 budget adjustment

Sixth commission: ok to settle the 2024 budget and contributions for the Day of Venetians in the world and to historical research bodies on anti-fascism and resistance

(Arv) Venice 26 June. 2024 – The 2024 budget adjustment law, the annual day for Venetians in the world and the call for the valorisation of the cultural heritage of anti-fascism and the Resistance were the themes that engaged the work of the Culture commission of the Venetian Council, in this week’s session. The commission, chaired by Francesca Scatto (Lega-Lv), expressed a favorable opinion by majority, for the part within its competence, of the budget adjustment law. The budget changes under the jurisdiction of the commission are the additional 3 million found for the right to university study, the increase of 100 thousand euros for the protection and valorisation of cultural assets and activities and the 20 thousand for tourism. The opposition representatives expressed a negative vote and contested the insufficiency of the resources allocated by the Region for university scholarships and the delays in the allocation of funds. “I would like to remind you that in the 2023-24 academic year – the vice-president of the commission Elena Ostanel (The Veneto we want) pointed out – there are 4658 university students who would be entitled to the scholarship and who will receive it due to lack of funds”. Green light, then, but with the opposition voting against, to the contribution of 10 thousand euros for the Day of Venetians in the World, which will be celebrated on 28 July on the Piana del Cansiglio, in conjunction with the Cansiglio Day organized by the Trevisani International Association in the world, the exhibition dedicated to the reclamation works carried out by the Venetians in Italy and the awarding of honors to the emigrants who honored the Veneto abroad. Finally, the commission approved the regional announcement which assigns for the current year 40 thousand euros of contributions to institutes, bodies, associations or committees that promote study, research and cultural dissemination activities on anti-fascism and the Resistance, with particular focus on what happened in Veneto between 1943 and 1948. But at the time of the vote the representatives of Fratelli d’Italia left the room.

The editorial responsibility and contents of this press release are the responsibility of the VENETO REGIONAL COUNCIL

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