once the large pylon for the antenna has been assembled, the residents of via Scipione sign an appeal to the Puglia Regional Administrative Court

The truss is mounted for the new telephone antenna planned in via Scipio Africanusto Andriawhere, in the meantime, the residents organized a new peaceful sit-In duly authorized by the Police Headquarters, which it will also continue on Thursday 27 June 2024, from 8.00 am:

Despite the discontent among the residents, it was a composed day and respectful of the prescriptions that the Police Chief had notified to the organizer of the protest initiative. Savino Montaruli (President of the associationI Am Here!“) who, precisely on the occasion of the sit-in, announced that on the evening of Tuesday 25 June 2024 the law firm in charge notified and presented to the Regional Administrative Court for the Puglia The appeal with a request for a precautionary measure, including a monocratic one – unheard of by another party, on behalf of the Civic Commitment association “Io Ci Sono”, signed by the President himself Montaruli, together with 50 other signatories. An appeal – the association announces – is already being examined by the competent body, the results of which are expected ad horas.
The dozens of residents who participated in the sit-in and who will continue to do so in the coming days, have stigmatized the absence, even human, of those who had made commitments, even public and televised, with the residents of via Scipio Africanus. “Unfulfilled commitments which also weigh heavily on the city’s administrative and government policies”. An attitude that was also strongly stigmatized by the activists present on site (the association cited Dr. Ninni Inchingolo and Dr. Dino Leonetti) That “continue to support and support this battle of civilization, also and above all as medical promoters of the scientific petition filed with the municipality of Andria and not yet confirmed on its merits” – they added from “Io Ci Sono!”.

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