In the Diocese of Vicenza there are three mayors under 30

For several years, Italy has enjoyed the sad record of “the oldest country in Europe”, second (but recently the figure no longer seems so certain) on a global level only to Japan. Due to the dramatic birth rate decline on the one hand and, on the other, the lengthening of life prospects thanks to widespread well-being and a health system which evidently, despite its difficulties, works, Italy is certainly not, as they say say, a “country for young people”. This is also reflected in institutions, where many times the most important chairs continue to be occupied by the elderly (and for that matter, see the less than exemplary race to the White House, more in wheelchairs than obstacles, between Biden and Trump). We therefore greet as a sign of hope that in three municipalities in the territory of our diocese (not corresponding exactly to that of the province) three young people under 30 have become mayors (with all due respect to the Municipality of Mussolente, province of Vicenza, but diocese of Treviso , which had claimed the primacy for itself, but whose new mayor is 29 years old, one more than those elected in Montorso, Breganze and Zimella). However, our best wishes and congratulations go to all the young administrators. (ag)

Emma Baron, Montorso «I would like to give young people a perspective of the future»

«I would like to bring the vitality of my 28 years. At the top of my agenda are the new generations, sport, community centers and culture, above all the valorisation of our jewel, Villa Da Porto”. Willing, passionate about volleyball, Emma Baron is the new young mayor of Montorso Vicentino. She is one of the three first citizens of the diocesan territory who are under 30 years old.

After five years in the city council, she was elected in continuity with the outgoing mayor Diego Zaffari. She was a candidate with the “United for Montorso” civic list, the only one in the running, she received 1,199 preferences out of 1,401 voters.

Baron graduated from linguistic high school, studied planning and management of cultural tourism at the University of Padua and later Historical Sciences. You are an official in the municipality of Castelnuovo del Garda, in the province of Verona. «Working in a municipality is a small advantage because I know the mechanisms of the machine» she confesses.

«I would like to give the new generations a perspective on the future by implementing a series of activities and initiatives that have a distant horizon» explains Baron.

She is very attached to Villa Da Porto: «It is the place where the first draft of the masterpiece “Juliet and Romeo” was written – she says -. With the previous administration we worked well in collaboration with the Pro Loco: we fixed up the interior of the Villa, the flooring. Now we have to finish the job. We will focus on enhancing the Villa from a tourist point of view.”

Another firm point of the Peron administration is the relationship with the associations: «Pro loco, of course, but not only that, we also want to strengthen the collaboration with the La County sports club which organizes football, volleyball and basketball in the town. It is an important community center that must be kept alive.” A thought also goes to the families: «We want to work with large companies in the area for a possible connection with the local nursery school. The challenge is that workers can have benefits. For the moment it’s an idea, we’re working on it.”

Hobbies? «In addition to volleyball which I practiced until a few years ago, I love travelling. I have visited many cities of art. One of my latest trips took me to the Algarve, in the south of Portugal. Wonderful”. (mr)

Alessandro Crivellaro, Breganze: «We have no shortage of competence and commitment»

For five years Breganze will be administered by a young and enthusiastic mayor. Alessandro Crivellaro elected with the “BreganzeSi” civic list, winning, at the age of 28, the trust of 44% of voters.
His candidacy arose from a preparation process that lasted an entire year. «I believe that a young mayor can offer a different point of view in addressing the administrative needs of the country – underlines the new mayor -. I hope to be able to convey a contagious enthusiasm and a vision of the future to involve young people in their commitment to the community in which they live.”

Alessandro Crivellaro (born 1995), mechatronics engineer, has a wealth of associative experience in the parish and above all in the scout world. The decision to apply arose from the path shared with a large group that included people involved in the various realities of the country. «We are aware that it will not be easy – continues Crivellaro -, but competence and commitment are not lacking. In the meantime, we plan to complete some projects already started by the previous administration and which can be built in the short term.”

The work program will pay particular attention to the environment and the development of soft mobility. The municipal territory has been “cut off” from the route of the Pedemontana highway and therefore it will be necessary to further improve the connection with the hamlets of Maragnole and Mirabella. The new mayor also boasts a great passion for sport. He played hockey and basketball, later embarking on a career as a basketball referee. This path has led him to play on all the parquets in the Triveneto area and, currently, to contribute to the training of young whistlers in the province of Vicenza. «The attention paid to the numerous sports clubs in Breganza – highlights the new mayor – will also allow us to offer valid support to families by encouraging children and adolescents to practice sports».

In the Breganze programme, strong attention was paid to social issues and the elderly. «We will strive to encourage mobility for those who have difficulty reaching the center of the country – he concludes -. In the next 5 years we will try to realize the slogan that accompanied us in the electoral campaign: being a country! For a united, lively and participatory Breganze.” (pm)

Gionata Manega, Zimella (VR): «Constant dialogue with the community»

The newly elected mayor of Zimella (diocese of Vicenza), Gionata Manega, just turned 28 (born in 1996), appears to be the youngest in the province of Verona. Civic list, his, with the symbol of the League, which obtained 49.7% of the preferences (there were four lists in total). An insurance consultant by profession, he declares that he has always had a passion for politics. «I started at the age of sixteen, first as a supporter, then as a militant within the ranks of the League until I became its municipal secretary.

In the previous Administration, for the period 2019-2024, he was councilor for sport and productive activities. Then due to different visions and personal reasons he separated from the Council and proposed a separate list. He loves sport in general, he practiced martial arts for a decade and has a black belt in karate. He is part of a football club in the town where he lives and where he will raise a family, Santo Stefano di Zimella. He is passionate about history and is enrolled in the Faculty of Law at the University of Verona. Once he became an adult, he became available as a blood donor and his name appears in the Avis lists.

«Becoming mayor is an immense honor for someone like me. I exposed myself in this electoral campaign – she confesses – without ever speaking badly of others. I had only asked for trust to be able to improve the area. No promises, just the desire to put my face into everything I do, with commitment and humility.”

Manega wants inclusion, the removal of architectural barriers, all those services aimed at vulnerable people. And what is the added value of his mandate? “The constant dialogue with the community that has about 4,900 inhabitants, the interest in citizens’ problems as evidenced by the slogan “With you, for you” adopted during the election campaign. We need to relate more with people”. And we come to the projects that he intends to tackle with a certain priority: “First of all, the completion of the sidewalk of via Roma in Santo Stefano, the widening of the intersection of via Piazza in Bonaldo, the roundabout on Sp 7 in Zimella, the arrangement of the sidewalks of Volpino”. (mbf)

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