Piedmont, arrived in record time: the Cirio bis team on the field

Piedmont, arrived in record time: the Cirio bis team on the field
Piedmont, arrived in record time: the Cirio bis team on the field

1pm Wednesday 26 June 2024

Just a few days after the proclamation, the governor presents the new councilors. No surprises compared to the rumors from the day before. Chiorino vice, Chiarelli and Bongioanni hoard delegates. After much shouting a fold-up seat for Porchietto

No surprises compared to what was anticipated in the days preceding the official announcement with which Alberto Cirio, a few minutes ago, he put the seal of approval on his second term at the helm of Piedmont. A regional administration with the more than predictable traction of Brothers of Italy in a reversal of weights compared to the League which exercised that role in the last five years and the not exactly marginal entry of the civic list Moderate and Liberal Piedmont in the center-right majority team and, consequently, in the executive.

One fact is certain, Cirio runs. While the governor of Basilicata Vito Bardi is still struggling with the formation of his team two months after the vote, the re-elected president of Piedmont resolved the issue four days after the proclamation.

Looking for something new compared to the previews, perhaps it can be found in the number of skills that, at the moment, the president has kept to himself. Here they are in detail: Regional policy coordination, legality, Rights, Pnrr, European funds and relations with EU institutions, Relations with the State-Regions Conference, International affairs and communication, Major events, Animal welfare. At first glance, the governor’s choice to deal personally with those Rights which, precisely because they are one of the workhorses of the left and a reason for conflict between the majority and the opposition at a national level, could have represented a much more rigid line is not lost on and identity if entrusted to FdI or even to the League. It is therefore probable that we can glimpse Cirio’s intention to maintain the moderate line of his party on this point, Forza Italia, even at a regional level. The European and international matters are not surprising, already pertinent to him in the past and closely linked to his experience as an MEP and his well-known projection towards foreign countries, further confirmed by the mission to the United States from which he has just returned.

At his side, in the highly sought-after role (among the Brothers) of vice-president, Elena Chiorino which preserves Education, Merit and the right to university study, work, professional training and corporate welfare, adding relations with regional participation companies which in the last legislature were headed by the League.

Remaining in the party of Giorgia Melonito the outgoing group leader Paolo Bongioanni they go Trade
Agriculture and food, Parks, Hunting and fishing, Swine fever. Marina Chiarellia Melonian new entry directly from the Municipality of Novara where he was deputy mayor, takes on a heavy package of mandates made up of Tourism, Culture, Sport and Olympic Post, Equal Opportunities and Youth Policies. Maurizio Marrone, record holder of preferences and long-time councilor in pectore for Health, but also a not hidden aspirant to the vice-presidency, will deal with social policies and socio-health integration, emigration and decentralized and international cooperation, usury and confiscated assets, housing and families and children. To complete the large fraternal patrol, Federico Riboldi who will occupy the heavy and not always comfortable seat of health councilor, a delegation that also combines those of essential levels of assistance, prevention and health safety and the strategic health construction to which the vast plan for the construction of new hospitals in Piedmont pertains.

Having gone from seven to two councillors, the League after heated internal negotiations and subsequent stomach aches that have not yet subsided, he will risk the outgoing one Matteo Marnati which essentially maintains the delegations it had, dealing with the Environment, energy and coordination of the regional permanent table for the drought emergency, Innovation, research and related relations with universities and public and private research centres, digital services for citizens and businesses.

The other Northern League member enters Palazzo Lascaris for the first time and immediately moves to the Skyscraper, Enrico Bussalinopresident of the Province of Alessandria and loyal to his fellow Mandrogno Riccardo Molinari. He is responsible for strongly identifying issues for the League such as Autonomy, but also Security (which the Brothers of Italy had their eyes on) and local Police, not to mention Immigration, to which are added Logistics and strategic infrastructures, but also local authorities.

Two reconfirmations for Forza Italia. Marco Gabusi continues to deal with transport and infrastructure, public works and soil protection, civil protection and refugee emergency management. The budget has been reassigned to the other blue, Andrea Tronzano which will also have Finance and economic and financial planning, Development of productive activities, industry, crafts, SMEs and cooperative enterprises, together with Internationalization and investment attraction.

Completing the lineup are the two councilors from the president’s civic list. TO Marco Gallo the delegations relating to the development and promotion of the mountains, internal and GAL areas, snow system, protection of protected areas (forests, parks, UNESCO areas, SIC and Natura 2000 network), extractive activities, territorial planning, landscape and urban planning, biodiversity and truffle cultivation . Gian Luca Vignale will deal with Personnel, Organization and assets, Legal affairs and litigation, Relations with the Regional Council, Delegification and simplification of administrative paths, Development and Cohesion Funds.

The appointment of the two undersecretaries was also announced, although any delegations for them have not yet been decided. As widely announced, one of the two is the former Northern League group leader Alberto Preioniwhile the other position, after tantrums and proclaimed denials, was assumed by the former Forza Italia parliamentarian Claudia Porchietto. In the last few days he seemed to intend to refuse that second row role, but when it came to the final crunch between meetings in Rome, pleadings and shouting Porchietto obtained what he seemed to want to disdainfully refuse.

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