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Trainees, Furgiuele presents a question to Minister Zangrillo

“Enough chatter, let the government intervene”

Press release

Since the policy of constant chatter and slogans produces nothing, I felt a conscientious duty to present to the Minister of Public Service, Paolo Zangrillo, a question on the humiliating condition that the 4,000 social inclusion trainees in Calabria have been experiencing for some time .

I asked the authoritative member of the government, from whom a concrete opening came, whether he does not consider it appropriate to start an institutional table with all the parties involved to reach a definitive solution for the inclusion trainees, finding the necessary resources.

I would like to remind you that these are personnel who play a fundamental role in the Calabrian administrations but who to date do not enjoy any type of protection in carrying out their duties; Furthermore, around 2000 social inclusion trainees are over 55 and therefore more difficult to relocate to the job market.

A recent legislative intervention has allocated 5 million euros starting from 2024, authorizing local authorities located in the Calabria region to launch selective procedures for access to fixed-term and part-time contracts of eighteen hours per week, lasting eighteen months, to which trainees included in social inclusion paths aimed at the unemployed are admitted as a priority.

However, these resources are clearly insufficient to think of being able to at least alleviate a malaise which offends thousands of mothers and fathers of families, but which harms the civility of labor law. I am convinced that the sensitivity of the competent minister and the national government will be able to provide much more incisive answers than the many blank runs recorded at a territorial level.

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