CIA – Italian Farmers – Cia Veneto: over 20 thousand seasonal workers needed in agriculture

CIA – Italian Farmers – Cia Veneto: over 20 thousand seasonal workers needed in agriculture
CIA – Italian Farmers – Cia Veneto: over 20 thousand seasonal workers needed in agriculture

In the region, over 20 thousand seasonal workers are needed in agriculture for the fruit harvest campaign and for the next harvest. Cia Veneto launches the appeal: Stability should be given to foreign workers who fall under the Flow Decree through the so-called conversion. Today their authorizations are renewed annually, with considerable expenditure of time and energy.

After a training period – the note continues – the agricultural company usually tends to always hire the same person, even in subsequent years. And this is precisely for a principle of working continuity. Stop&gos (i.e. terminations and rehirings, from year to year) are counterproductive for both the company and the worker, continues Cia Veneto, recalling the proposals presented in recent days by the national Cia.

“The key word must be simplification – underlines the director of Cia Veneto, Maurizio Antonini -. In the background, the great theme of legality. The primary sector remains strategic for the community and, nevertheless, offers various employment opportunities”.

According to the latest data from Veneto Lavoro, in 2023 there was a slight increase in hiring in the sector (+0.7%, particularly seasonal). From the point of view of citizenship, the hiring of Italian citizens decreased (-7.6%), while that of foreign collaborators grew by 7.5%, and still constitutes the main share of hiring (58.8%). . Cia Veneto points out that among the agricultural sectors that most need operators are the cultivation of vegetables (with peaks of up to +165%, data from 2023 to 2022) and the wine sector (+20%).

“We hope that the institutions will accept our invitation – concludes the director – that is, that the correct start of the various collection campaigns will be guaranteed. Precisely stabilising those figures who in the past have proven strategic for agricultural activities”.

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