Weather forecast June 26, 2024: detailed North, Center and South. Particular focus for Castellammare di Stabia, Naples and the Campania Provinces

The weather forecast for 26 June 2024 for Northern, Central and Southern Italy, with focus on Castellammare di Stabia, Naples and the provinces of Campania.

June 26, 2024, Weather Forecast for Northern, Central, Southern Italy

Today, June 26, 2024, we offer a detailed overview of the **weather forecast** for Italy, divided into North, Center and South. The forecasts are essential for planning daily activities and planning trips. We will also delve into the weather conditions for Castellammare di Stabia and Naples, with a particular focus on the sea, the air and pollen. Finally, we will analyze the forecasts for the other provinces of Campania: Avellino, Benevento, Caserta and Salerno.

Northern Italy Weather Forecast

North-West: Piedmont, Liguria, Valle d’Aosta, Lombardy
In these regions of the North-West, the day presents clear skies and high temperatures. **Turin** will see highs around 30°C, with light winds from the southwest. **Milan** and **Genoa** will enjoy similar conditions, with temperatures reaching 28-29°C and a light sea breeze along the Ligurian coast. The **Aosta Valley** will have milder temperatures, around 25°C in the valleys, with possible afternoon thunderstorms in the mountains.

North-East: Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna
The **North-East** will be characterized by a warm and sunny day. **Venice** will have maximum temperatures of 29°C, with slight humidity due to the proximity of the lagoon. **Bologna** and **Trieste** will see similar temperatures, with clear skies and moderate north-east winds. In the mountain areas of **Trentino-Alto Adige**, the weather will be variable with possible thundershowers in the afternoon.

Central Italy Weather Forecast

Tuscany, Umbria, Marche, Lazio
The central regions will be under the influence of stable high pressure, ensuring clear skies and high temperatures. **Florence** and **Rome** will record maximum temperatures of 32-33°C, with light winds from the south-east. **Perugia** and **Ancona** will see similar conditions, with slight variations in temperatures and a moderate sea breeze along the Marche coast.

Weather Forecast Southern Italy

Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily
Southern Italy will be affected by a warm wave of African air. **Naples** will see maximum temperatures of 34°C, with clear skies and light winds. **Bari** and **Palermo** will present similar conditions, with temperatures of 33°C and 31°C respectively. In **Calabria**, slightly higher temperatures are expected inland, while the coasts will be mitigated by a light sea breeze.

In-depth analysis for Castellammare di Stabia and Naples

Castellammare di Stabia
For **Castellammare di Stabia**, the day will be hot and sunny, with temperatures reaching 33°C. The winds will be light and coming from the south-east, guaranteeing an ideal day for outdoor activities and enjoying the sea.

Forecast for the Sea
The sea in Castellammare di Stabia will be calm, with low waves and a water temperature of around 25°C, perfect for swimming and water activities.

Air Quality and Pollens
Air quality will be good, with pollutant levels within safe limits. However, allergy sufferers are advised to pay attention to grass pollen, which will be present in moderate quantities.

In **Naples**, the day will be similar, with clear skies and temperatures reaching 34°C. The winds will be weak, coming from the south-west, helping to make the day hot but bearable thanks to the sea breeze.

Forecast for the Sea
The sea will be calm, with waves that will not exceed 30 cm. The water temperature will be around 25°C, ideal for a day at the beach.

Air Quality and Pollens
Even in Naples, the air quality will be good. Pollen levels will be moderate, with a greater presence of olive tree and grass pollen.

Forecasts for the Provinces of Campania

In **Avellino**, a hot day is expected with clear skies and maximum temperatures of 30°C. Winds will be light, mainly from the north-east. No precipitation is expected.
In **Benevento**, the day will be sunny with temperatures reaching 32°C. Winds will be light and coming from the east. The air quality will be good, with a moderate presence of grass pollen.
In **Caserta**, we expect clear skies and maximum temperatures of 33°C. Winds will be light from the south-east, making it an ideal day for outdoor activities.
Finally, in **Salerno**, the day will be characterized by clear skies and temperatures that will reach 31°C. Winds will be moderate from the southwest. The sea will be calm, with a water temperature around 24°C.

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