“there is a water emergency in Basilicata”. Here is the alarm cry

“there is a water emergency in Basilicata”. Here is the alarm cry
“there is a water emergency in Basilicata”. Here is the alarm cry

Coldiretti Basilicata launches yet another cry of alarm regarding a fundamental issue for agriculture in Basilicata and nearby Puglia:

“The prolonged drought is bringing all the areas of our region to their knees, Lavello, Melfi (Ofanto scheme) as a priority, the Metapontino area, Val D’Agri to follow”.

“The reservoirs could accumulate a lot of water resources – highlights the Coldiretti of Basilicata – if only the renovation works planned and financed for some time by both the national government and the Region were completed.

“The formalism and lack of responsibility of the responsible bodies, yesterday Eipli today Acqua del Sud Spa, and of the Southern Apennines District Basin Authority are no longer tolerable –explains the president of the agricultural organization, Antonio Pessolani – to add insult to injury, even if in a period of prolonged drought the water that is currently stored in the reservoirs, even if little (about 300 million cubic meters, the reservoirs record 200 million cubic meters less than the reservoir of 2023) , managed quickly would allow the survival of thousands of companies.”

According to Pessolani “unfortunately we have to note that a thicket of institutions and bureaucrats does not allow the Land Reclamation Consortium of Basilicata, diligently represented by the agricultural world, to to transfer said water resource promptly and quickly; what happened on the Trivigno crossbar is emblematic.

It’s time to not hide behind mathematical algorithms, which have as their basis the sole focus on protecting oneself excessively, becoming an alibi for not taking on responsibility”.

From the president of the Lucanian Coldiretti the invitation “to the Southern Apennines District Basin Authority in connection with the newly formed Acque del Sud spa company to immediately authorize the requests that the Presidency office of the Basilicata Region has forwarded some time ago, at the request of our organization and the Basilicata Reclamation Consortium which is present and responsible on the subject.

In fact, there are many notes that follow one another that remain unanswered. Acque del Sud Spa would thus have the opportunity to immediately demonstrate both its closeness to the needs of the territory and its institutional validity. For its part, however, the Southern Apennines District Basin Authority would have the opportunity to make up for lost time by preventing the agricultural world from mobilizing in order to re-establish rules, roles and priorities.

Coldiretti Basilicata – concludes Pessolani – will follow, as it has done for months, the evolution of the facts and will not tolerate further inertia to the detriment of farmers.”

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