L’Aquila weather, the forecast for tomorrow Thursday 27 June

Thursday 27 June in L’Aquila promises to be a day of good weather, with clear skies or few clouds for most of the day. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with values ​​that will fluctuate between +14.1°C and +25.7°C. The wind speed will generally be moderate, with light gusts and a prevailing direction from the West – North West.

In detail, the Night it will be characterized by few clouds with a temperature that will remain around +14°C. There morning it will continue with clear skies and slightly increasing temperatures, until reaching +24.9°C around 11:00. In the afternoon and in evening the sky will present scattered clouds with temperatures that will remain pleasant, around +25°C.

Humidity conditions will remain constant around 50-60%, while atmospheric pressure will be stable at 1014hPa. No significant rainfall is expected during the day.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Thursday 27 June in L’Aquila indicates a day of good weather, with clear or partly cloudy skies and pleasant temperatures. Weather conditions are expected to remain stable for the next few days as well, with temperatures expected to remain at similar values. We recommend enjoying a day outdoors, taking advantage of the favorable weather conditions.

All the weather data for Thursday 27 June in L’Aquila

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